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For the greatest sin that any man may do have I wrought; for I have slain my mother that was a Queen, for this only that she told me I should not be King after my father's death, for that she would make me monk or clerk, and that my other brother, who is younger-born than I, should have the kingdom.

"What king," said the mystical charmer, and as he spoke he carelessly rested his hand on my shoulder, so that I trembled to feel that this dread son of Nature, Godless and soulless, who had been and, my heart whispered, who still could be my bane and mind darkener, leaned upon me for support, as the spoiled younger-born on his brother "what king," said this cynical mocker, with his beautiful boyish face "what king in your civilized Europe has the sway of a chief of the East?

Yet neither were his men leaderless, though they sorrowed for their leader; for Podarkes of the stock of Ares marshalled them, son of Phylakos' son Iphiklos was he, the lord of many flocks, own brother of great-hearted Protesilaos, and younger-born than he: but the other was alike the elder and the braver, even Protesilaos, that mighty man of war.

When the lads returned home at the end of ten delightful months, their mother was surprised at their growth and improvement. George especially was so grown as to come up to his younger-born brother.

"What king," said the mystical charmer, and as he spoke he carelessly rested his hand on my shoulder, so that I trembled to feel that this dread son of Nature, Godless and soulless, who had been and, my heart whispered, who still could be my bane and mind-darkener, leaned upon me for support, as the spoilt younger-born on his brother, "what king," said this cynical mocker, with his beautiful boyish face, "what king in your civilized Europe has the sway of a chief of the East?

"What king," said the mystical charmer, and as he spoke he carelessly rested his hand on my shoulder, so that I trembled to feel that this dread son of Nature, Godless and soulless, who had been and, my heart whispered, who still could be my bane and mind-darkener, leaned upon me for support, as the spoilt younger-born on his brother, "what king," said this cynical mocker, with his beautiful boyish face, "what king in your civilized Europe has the sway of a chief of the East?

When the lads returned home at the end of ten delightful months, their mother was surprised at their growth and improvement. George especially was so grown as to come up to his younger-born brother.