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You've given me a positive fright!" He frowned the blacker as the baker smiled from ear to ear. "Vy, Toctor, I hope you ugscooce me! I yoost taught you voot like to herr udt. Undt Missis Reisen sayce, 'Reisen, you yoost co undt tell um. I taught udt voot pe blessant to you to know tatt you hett sendt me teh fynust pissness mayn I effer het apowdt me.

Poor Edward could think of nothing to say of Goethe. "He is great, I grant you," Chris would admit, "but vat is he if the vimmen leave him alone? Divine yoost that." And he would proceed to cite endless examples of generals and statesmen whose wives or mistresses had been their bane.

Why didn't you tell me?" "Ju got yoost so manny eyes lak' me!" retorted the woman. "Ju neffer ask me vat Ay tank 'bout MacNair and 'bout Lapierre. And Ay neffer tal ju das 'cause Ay tank it besser ju fin' out yourself. Ay know ju got to fin' das out sometam'. Den ju believe it. Ju know lot 'bout vat stands in de books, but das mos' lak' MacNair say: 'bout lot t'ing, you damn fool!" Chloe gasped.

"I didn't recommend him to you, sir. I wrote you distinctly that I did not feel at liberty to recommend him." "Tat iss teh troot, Toctor Tseweer; tat iss teh ectsectly troot. Shtill I taught I'll yoost trop in on you to say a verte to you, Toctor, apowt Mister" He hung his large head at one side to remember. "Richling," said the Doctor, impatiently. "Yes, sir. Apowt Mister Richlun.

Yours might be one of the first of the lot." "Vell," said the German, "is dat de vay you look at the question?" "It's a fact, isn't it?" "Yes, I s'pose it is. But I didn't tink dat vas de first ding for a man like you to tink about ven you vas talkin' about a feller dat has broke off all his bad habits and is tryin' to be yoost right." The deacon felt awkward for a moment.

"Oxactly, young man. Sit down, und I vill see yoost vat vos pest for us both. You vould be an actor; you haf the ambition. Ah! I see it in your eyes, and it gif me great bleasure. But, young man, it vos unfortunate dot I haf not mooch just now to gif you, yet the vay vill open if you only stays mit me. Sure; yaw, I, Samuel Albrecht, vill make of you a great actor.

"Tank gootness!" roared Stefan. "First I tink dem togs yoost kill you dead. If so I take de pelts off 'em all alife, de scoundrels!" "Oh! Please don't punish them," she cried. "It it was so funny! Oh, dear! I I must stop laughing! It it hurts my sides!" She ran off among the dogs and threw herself down on the crusted snow, passing one arm over a shaggy back.

He cannot moof, so full mit gabbages are he. No, he didn't yump, he yoost sving himself over mit dot fence." "Slush! Yer gittin' plumb dotty. No pig could swing hisself over thet fence." "But it's der only vay vat he could, und Song, der Chineser cook, saw him did it." "You don't believe what a Chinyman tells yer, do yer?" "What did Song say?

As he rose I saw it was our old adjutant. At no other time would I have dared accost him unless in the line of duty, but the situation made me bold. "Adjutant," I said, "What does this mean our having to run this way? Ain't we whipped?" He blew the water from his mustache, and quickly answered in a careless way: "Oh, no; dat is all ride. We yoost fall back to form on the reserve.

I shall expect you to do the marketing and not bother me with details of housekeeping. Do you need any assistance with the cleaning? I fancy everything is pretty dirty." "Filthy!" ejaculated Josie, "but I bane strong." "All right! You understand about looking after my mail carefully, do you not?" "Yah! I yoost put it on the desk. I bane take care."