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"I coomes, as I tell ye, to see if vatches might be solt, und not for der gubbernor; I neffer might see der mans." As all this was true, my conscience felt pretty easy on the score of whatever there might be equivocal about it. "What folks think of Injin down below, eh? what folks say of anti-rent, eh? hear him talk about much?"

Iskender toyed with his fingers in the crevices of its rough pavement. He wished to enjoy his love alone as long as possible; and the walk from thence to the hotel was but a short one. From a garden-hedge before them, two cypress-trees stood sharply out against the jewel sky. "I wish to sbeak to you, sir, about something which I neffer told to anybody. My mother knows, but no one else.

I t'ought der vos plenty of time. I vant to see a friend of mine who is living on vun of dese wessels. Haven't I got der time?" "No, not a minute to spare. You can see him when you come back." "Ach! Maybe I neffer comes back. If I get in der war plays I may be shotted." "Oh, come on!" laughed Paul, while the newsboy went into amused contortions at the exaggerated language and gestures of Mr.

Is it not well to bring away the most we can," returned the visionary, sore dismayed; when, seeing how their talk apart made the Frank suspicious, he relapsed into English with a genial smile: "Yes, fifty too dam' many; we take ten. A friend of mine got three nice tents a bit old, but neffer mind! He let you haf 'em cheab, because he luf me. Then three horses for you and me and 'Skender.

A beeg man will neffer show himself in small things, but when he will be in communion with his Maker or when he will be pouring out his soul in a pibroch then the beegness of the man will be manifest. Aye," continued the piper, warming to his theme and encouraged by the eager sympathy of his listener, "and not only the beegness but the quality of the soul.

At the door of the hotel they found Elias waiting. He stood forth and greeted the Emîr quite unabashed, convulsed with laughter at the latter's cold amazement. "You thinkin' of that business in the garden? Neffer fear, sir! That was all a dam' bad joke of that briest-fellow, Mîtri I'll be efen with him yet, by Jingo! all to pay me out because I neffer gif him nothing when he bless my house.

Just then Khalîl, the concertina-player, a dull-eyed, fattish man, who had kept silence, suddenly drew all eyes upon himself by picking up his instrument from the floor and playing a few chords softly. "All right, Khalîl! Come along then! Neffer say die, ole chabbie!" Elias encouraged him.

Half an hour later they passed a small river steamer and hailed the craft. "What's wanted?" shouted somebody through a megaphone. "Seen anything of a houseboat around here?" "No," was the prompt answer. "All right; thanks!" And then they allowed the river steamer to pass them. "Dis night vos so vet like neffer vos!" remarked Hans. "Well, we have got to make the best of it," answered Dick.

Py myself I vill go and tell dot Dunk W'ittaker vot lowdown skunk I t'ink he iss. Sheep's vool shtickin' by der fences efferwhere on der ranch, py cosh! Dot vould sure kill der Old Man quick if he see it. Shtinkin' off sheeps py our noses all der time, till I can't eat no more mit der shmell of dem. Neffer pefore did I see vool on der Flying U fences, py cosh, und sheeps baa-aain' in der coulee!"

Switzer. "See you later, Hans!" called the comedian to the watchman at the pier. "Ach, Himmel! Vot I care!" the latter cried. "I don't care even if you comes back neffer! You can't get on dose ship!" and he waved his hand at the big vessels, interned to prevent their capture by the British warships. "I was having quite an argument with him," said Mr.