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Finally she answered brokenly: "I ain'd sit by no vinder for yoost a jessnut maan." This was her way of stimulating his ambition. "Ahaha!" he cried. "You don' know? I'm goin' buy beeg stan'! Candy! Peanut! Banan'! Make some-a-time four dollar a day! 'Tis a greata countra! Bimaby git a store! Ride a buggy! Smoke a cigar! You play piano! Vote a Republican!" "Toby!" "Tis true!"

I no care anydings about Charley; he haf no wife nor children, fadder nor mudder, brudder nor sister; if Charley get killed, it makes no difference; dere vas nobody to cry for him, so I dinks nudding about myselfs; but I tells you, I yoost den feels bad for de Cause!" Noble, simple-hearted old Charley!

Over the snow the sunlight was beating strongly, though it appeared to give little or no heat. Yet in the great patches of shadow through which they passed at times it felt colder still. "Yoost keep on feelin' yer nose," Stefan told her, as the dogs rested for a moment at the top of a small hill. "You mustn't let it get frost-bited, ma'am.

"Come to-morrow I show you everyt'ing!" "You'll show me now," returned Denver imperturbably, "I'm not afraid of the whole danged bunch. Come on, what have you got a bottle?" "Yoost a piece of copper from Murray's tunnel Mein Gott, I hear dem boys coming!" He sprang to the door and dropped the heavy bar but Denver struck it up and stepped out.

"Dot's yoost great!" he roared, as he saw Hugo standing outside the shack. "I tank I'm more pleased as if I find a dozen goldmines, you bet! De leetle leddy she safe you all right all right. But now I take her avay to Meester Doctor Starr, like he telt me to. De doctor he gif me a bit letter for you, ma'am. I find it soon." Two letters on a single day was heavy mail for Roaring River.

"I'll come," said the Doctor, without rising; "just write your name and address on that little white slate yonder." "Toctor," said the German, extending and dipping his hat, "I'm ferra much a-velcome to you, Toctor; undt tat's yoost fot te pottekerra by mine corner sayt you vould too.

"But but I'm not his wife, either!" cried Madge, nervously. "I I don't yoost understand, den," said the good woman, placidly. "Oh! mebbe you help grub-stake him vhile he vork at de rocks for dat silfer and you come see how he gettin' along. Ve tank he do very vell." "Yes, Hugo he got some ore as is lookin' very fine, all uncofered alretty," Stefan informed her.

Der natives von't know und der white peebles von't be alive to care aboudt it. Ve let it stay hided in der cave undil dis drouble is all over und den it vill be easy to get it avay from der island, yoost so quiet. Come on, boys! Don't be lazy!" "I don't like dot scheme to rob der bank," growled Jan. "If der peeples get onto us, dey vould cut us to bieces." "But dey von't get onto us, you fool.

"Where did you study art, Captain?" "I haven't studied; it's a natural gift." "He is born mit dose cannon in him. He tondt haf to do noding, his chenius do all de vork. Of he is asleep, and take a pencil in his hand, out come a cannon. Py crashus, of he could do a clavier, of he could do a guitar, of he could do a vashtub, it is a fortune, heiliger Yohanniss it is yoost a fortune!"

Dem people dat you talk about as behavin' demselves is a good deal better dan some dat's smarter and has got more money an' more advantages an' more friends, an' dey don't make nobody any trouble, an' yet you ain't satisfied mit 'em; an' mit deir shurch, yoost because dey don't do everyding your vay."