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Bad men there; steal children away, make sacrifice to fetish. All people here believe that Obi man bery strong. Dey send presents to him to make rain or to kill enemy, but dey no like go near him demselves. Dere was a hut a little up dat road. Party went by dere yesterday. No more houses on road. Sam say boy wait dere till he bring me back to him; den go home.

Dem people dat you talk about as behavin' demselves is a good deal better dan some dat's smarter and has got more money an' more advantages an' more friends, an' dey don't make nobody any trouble, an' yet you ain't satisfied mit 'em; an' mit deir shurch, yoost because dey don't do everyding your vay."

I think I shall take the place myself." "Dar now," said Morris, with a delighted grin. "Dem niggahs wuk demselves to death for you. Now you go in de house an' tell your maw whar you going, an' I bring de hoss an' holp you in de saddle." Marcy good-naturedly complied, and hearing voices coming from the dining-room he went in there, and found Julius listening to a lecture from Mrs.

He looked at me for a time without replying, as if expecting me to withdraw or qualify the statement, then said: "Id shouldn'd 'ave greaked." "It did, I'm afraid." "You goddem wed before dey found demselves?" "I don't think so." At that he lowered his eyes, as if hunting for memory of those boots, and I felt sorry I had mentioned this grave thing. "Zend dem back!" he said; "I will look at dem."

"'God he'ps dem dat he'ps demselves," returned Josh stoutly. "Ef Mr. Watson won't lead us, will you, Dr. Miller?" said the spokesman, turning to the doctor. For Miller it was an agonizing moment. He was no coward, morally or physically.

"Oh, poor men! cannot we help them?" exclaimed Alice. "Dey take care of demselves, Missie Alice," answered Nub. "My business is to sabe you." "Oh, don't think of me," exclaimed Alice. "I cannot bear the thoughts of their perishing if it is possible to save them." "It not possible, den," answered Nub; "unless I run de risk ob losing you." And he worked away as before.

Dey make de gypsy ashamed of demselves, and dat be ver terrible punishment; me ave scarce ever known de gypsy so punish do harm any more." The king then proceeded to express some wonder that there was no such punishment as shame in other governments.

De nex year de white fokes let us make a crop wid den fuh somethin tuh eat an clo'es an de women could work fuh a few clo'es an somethin tuh eat. So in er year er two niggers went tuh tryin tuh duh somethin fuh demselves, an been tryin tuh help dey selfs evah since. Ah know all bout hit. Ah wuz tall an ah is now when dey cried "Free!" Ain't growed nairy nother inch. Interviewer: Mrs.

He looked at me for a time without replying, as if expecting me to withdraw or qualify the statement, then said: "Id shouldn'd 'ave greaked." "It did, I'm afraid." "You goddem wed before dey found demselves?" "I don't think so." At that he lowered his eyes, as if hunting for memory of those boots, and I felt sorry I had mentioned this grave thing. "Zend dem back!" he said; "I will look at dem."

"Slaves is what you English would call dem. Laborers is what dey call demselves." Nilssen looked anxiously at his new assistant. Would he have any foolish English sentiment against slavery, and make a fuss? Nilssen, being a man of peace, sincerely hoped not. But as it was, Captain Kettle preserved a grim silence.