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"The top of the mornin' to ye, Otto Kling, and ye never see a better and a finer. And what can I do for ye? for ye wouldn't be lavin' them gimcracks of yours this time O'day unless there was somethin' up." "No, I don't got nudding you can do for me, Kitty. It's dis gentlemans wants someting and so I bring him over." "That's mighty kind of ye, Otto wait till I get me book. Careful, Mike."

He carry them in his eyes, the little schildren, unt he is coming home, unt he say nudding; he cannot eat, unt zo I know vot iss it." Although this announcement went to Miss Eastman's heart, it was not sufficient to outweigh her resolution. She would speak plainly to him. Glancing toward the office, she saw that a dim light was shining from an open door into the hallway.

I shall come in once in a while to see you and, if you are willing, to talk to you." "But you don't say nudding about Kitty's room. Vait till oh, dere you are, you darlin' girl! You mind de store, Masie. Now you come vid me and I show you de finest vomans you never see in your whole life!"

"No, I have never been in your line of trade." "Vell, how do you know so much?" "I know very little, but I have always enjoyed such things." "Vell, dot's more funny yet. You vould make a lot of money if you did. Ven you get someting for nudding you know it I don't. You see dem vot you call 'em Spodes and dot tureen, dot " "Lowestoft?" suggested the stranger, adjusting the mouthpiece of his pipe.

Before ye offer him that five dollars a week ye better get on the other side of big John there, where ye'll be safe, and holler it at him over them trunks, or ye'll find yourself flat on your back." "All right, Kitty, all right! Don't git oxcited. I didn't mean nudding. I do just vat you say. I gif him more. Oh! Here you are! Mr. O'Day, vud you let me speak to you vun minute?

"Yes, dot Lowestoft. If you come in yesterday and say, 'Have you any olt cups and saucers and olt soup tureens? I say: 'Yes help yourselluf. Take your pick for tventy-five cents each for de cups and saucers. You see, I pay nudding and I get nudding. Dot give me an idea! How vould you like to go round de store vid me and pick out de good vuns?

I no care anydings about Charley; he haf no wife nor children, fadder nor mudder, brudder nor sister; if Charley get killed, it makes no difference; dere vas nobody to cry for him, so I dinks nudding about myselfs; but I tells you, I yoost den feels bad for de Cause!" Noble, simple-hearted old Charley!