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'I'm a Kerry man meself, an' when I heard yez singin' "The Kerry Dance," meself and half a dozen more men from the oold sod felt that if ye were a man we'd have carried yez around the deck in a chair." "How nice of him!" said Myra; "but they are all like that. Nearly every one of my brother's men at Chinkie's Flat gave me something in the way of gold specimens when I left there."

"You afeard of any one," exclaimed Tom Whiskey; "one o' the ould Maguires afeard! ha, ha, ha! that 'ud be good!" Art, when the tumblers came in, drank off first one, which he had no sooner emptied, than he shivered into pieces against the grate; he then emptied the other, which shared the same fate. "Now," said he to Barney, "bring me a third one; I'll let yez see what a Maguire is."

Listen to me, the both o' yez the leedy up stairs, the misthress iv this house, and widow of poor Charles Nutter Mrs.

Av ye offered me a hundhred acres o' land for nothin' elsewhere, I vow to God I would rather stay on the bit o' rock that grows heath and gorse, if I could only get a crust out iv it, far sooner," said the grumbler. "An' d'ye think Home Rule will enable ye to do betther? Ye'll believe anythin' in Monivea. Ye are the same as iver ye wor. It's no use raisonin' wid yez at all.

Sally Nutther, I say is well liked in the parish; an' if they get the wind o' the word, all I say 's this so sure as you're found here houldin' wrongful possession of her house an' goods, the boys iv Palmerstown, Castleknock, and Chapelizod will pay yez a visit you won't like, and duck yez in the river, or hang yez together, like a pair of common robbers, as you unquestionably are not, he added, with a sudden sense of legal liability.

Thereon several boys would cry, "Ali, no! yez not! yer in a nice dry place. Go on with St. Mary; go on with Moses" each calling for his favourite tale.

It's real things we're afther votin' for in New York." Peter laughed. "I've got to take you in hand, Dennis, and you've got to take me in hand. I think we both need each other's help. Yes, I'll come to the primary. Will they let me vote?" "The dirty spalpeens will never dare to stop yez! Thank yez, sir. Oi'll be along for yez about eight." "Remember, though, Dennis I don't say how I'll vote."

I can see ye wrinkle yer nose, and I don't blame yez. I'll move to the down-wind side of yez. Ye see, it was like this: The t'ief iv the wurruld was in me chicken house " "I said I was Farwell," that gentleman interrupted. "Farrel, is ut?" said the station agent. "I knowed a Farrel thirty years gone. W'u'd he be yer father, now? His people come from Munster, if I mind right.

This was a melancholy situation, and his friends pitied him accordingly. "Don't bo cast down, Neal," said they, "your friends feel for you, poor fellow." "Divil carry my frinds," replied Neal, "sure there's not one o' yez frindly enough to be my inimy. Tare-an'-ounze! what'll I do? I'm blue-rhowlded for want of a batin'!"

Ye're a swate crayteur," continued he, winking at the woman; "but sure yer petticoats is mighty short, an' yez want a pair of stockin's bad, too; but nivir mind yez stand well upon thim illigant ankles 'dade ye do; and yez have a purty little futt into the bargain." "Que dice?" "He is complimenting you on the smallness of your feet," answered the Frenchman.