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'Course, they don't dress up much at the Station; but jest the same that air tie o' yourn, Brother Abe, is a disgrace. I told yew yew'd spile it a-wearin' it tew bed. Naow, I got a red an' green plaid what belonged to my second stepson, Henry O. He never would 'a' died o' pneumony, either, ef he'd a-took my advice an' made himself a newspaper nightcap last time he substituted with the 'Savers.

I'm gwine ter wait on him,'n get him 'longside 'soon's he's out'er his flurry. Ole man sez yew'd best wait on what's fast t' yer an' nev' mine th' other." Away he went, reaching my prize just as the last feeble spout exhaled, leaving the dregs of that great flood of life trickling lazily down from the widely expanded spiracle.

"I notice yew didn't raise no objections until yew'd lived here a year," Angy would retort; but ignoring this remark, he would go on: "It's 'Brother Abe' this an' 'Brother Abe' that! as ef I had thirty wives a-pesterin' me instid of one. I can't kill a fly but it's 'Brother Abe, lemme bury him fer yew. Do yer all think I be a baby?" demanded the old gentleman with glaring eye.

But Miss Abigail blocked the door, again blushing, again confused. "That 'Tew-our-Beloved-Brother' cup," she said gently, her eyes not meeting the wound in his, "we 'bout concluded yew'd better leave here fer the one what answers the ad. Yew got so much naow, an' him " She did not finish. She could not. She felt rather than saw the blazing of Abe's old eyes.

He stared at Abe with burning eyes, but Abe only insisted sullenly: "Whar yew an' Blossy been all this time?" "Dew yew mean ter tell me, Abe Rose, that yew didn't know that Aunt Nancy forbid Blossy the house 'cause she didn't go an' ask her permission ter git spliced? Oh, I fergot," he added. "Yew'd gone up-stairs ter take a nap that day we come back from the minister's." Abraham flushed.

But his nurse was a timorous, foolish thing. "You did ought to of left it there, Masterrarry," she said. "Findings ain't keepings nowadays, not by no manner of means, Masterrarry. "Yew'd look silly if a policeman came along arsting people if they seen a goldennimage. "Arst yer 'ow you come by it and look pretty straight at you."

She was struggling with the strings of her bonnet before the looking-glass which adorned Blossy's parlor-kitchen. She turned to him with a little cry, and he saw that her face had changed marvelously grown young, grown glad, grown soft and fresh with a new excited spirit of jubilant thanksgiving. "Oh, Father! Weren't yew s'prised tew git the telephone? I knowed yew'd come a-flyin' back."

Sapper Maggs stood by my side. "There be a feller a-watching for us up there?" he whispered. I nodded. "If us could drar his 'tention away, yew could slip by, next time the patrols is past, couldn't 'ee?" Again I nodded. "It'd be worse for yew than for me, supposin' yew'd be ca-art, that's what t'other officer said, warn't it?" And once more I nodded. The hot whisper came again.

"I'll bet yer 't was Aunt Nancy; she's got a sharp tongue, but a lot of silk pieces an' a tender spot in her heart fer yew, Abe. Ruby Lee says she never thought yew'd bring her around; yew're dretful takin' in yer ways, Father, thar's no use a-talkin'." Abraham glanced at himself in the glass, and pulled at his beard, his countenance not altogether free from a self-conscious vanity.

We thought mebbe yew'd want ter slick up the room an' git ready fer the new " He was allowed to say no more. The sisters, who had been kissing and hugging Angy one by one, now swooped upon him. He was hugged, too, with warm, generous congratulation, his hands were both shaken until they ached, and his clothes and Angy's silently admired.