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It was a sort of emulation that had made him assess his old lady as the senior. He felt vulnerable, and changed the conversation. "That young Squire's taking his time, M'riar. Supposin' now I was just to sing out to him?" But both ladies exclaimed against Dave being hurried away from his old lady.

A beaver'll stand a lot, I tell you. But then, supposin' you git yer beaver, caught so fast he ain't no chance whatever to git clear. Then, like as not, some lynx, or wildcat, or fisher, or fox, or even maybe a bear, 'll come along an' help himself to Mr. Beaver without so much as a by yer leave.

'And supposin' I did send that fool, Milly, out o' the way, to talk a bit wi' you here, where's the harm? Dang it, lass, ye mustn't be too hard. Didn't I say I'd do whatever ye wished? 'And you won't, said I. 'Ye mean to get along out o' this? Well, now, I will. There! No use, of course, askin' you to kiss and be friends, before I go, as cousins should.

"That's what." "But it's crooked money, Pete. And it ain't lucky. Supposin' we get caught? Who gits the money? The Spider, or Arguilla's bunch, or you or me? Not on your life! The cops get it and keep it." "That's all right. But if I git through, these here pesos goes to that bank. Anyhow, you said it ain't lucky money. So I aim to git away from it pronto.

"Dear Auntie, you're dreamin'," said Dale, soberly. "I want no wife. I'm happy in the woods." "Air you goin' to live like an Injun all your days, Milt Dale?" she queried, sharply. "I hope so." "You ought to be ashamed. But some lass will change you, boy, an' mebbe it'll be this Helen Rayner. I hope an' pray so to thet." "Auntie, supposin' she did change me. She'd never change old Al.

Supposin', now, a stranger shud ax me, `Where are ye, Paddy? ov course I cud say at wance, `In Peroo, yer honour; an' if he shud go for to penetrate deeper into my knowledge o' geography, sure I cud tell him that Peroo is in South Ameriky, wan o' the five quarters o' the globe, d'ye see?"

"Wouldn't he?" fiercely retorted the boatswain's mate. "Supposin' he'd done what I've done and lived the life I've lived, what would he do? Answer me that." "Come up to our hut next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, and I will answer you." "What! do you mean to say that you'll let me in, and them women-folks there too?" "Certainly we will," said Captain Staunton heartily.

She paused before the door, directly in front of the man, who did not move aside to permit her to enter. She thought at first that he was not aware of her desire until she observed an amused light in his eyes; and then she knew that he was purposely barring her way. "This is the Eating-House stable, I suppose?" she inquired quietly. "You're supposin' is a heap correct, ma'am," grinned the man.

I've got a comfortable 'dobe over here. Didn't I stick by you when Guthrie an' his bunch come up? Supposin' I hedn't showed down a cold hand to him? You'd be swingin' somewheres now. I tell you, Dodge, it ain't square." "I'll square it. I pay my debts," replied Duane. "But I can't put up here all night. If I belonged to the gang it 'd be different." "What gang?" asked Fletcher, bluntly.

I jus’ wonder if this here ain’t th’ first of a lot of fancy raidin’ jobs. Could be he’ll hit fast an’ hard, gather up all th’ sweepin’s an’ light out. Could jus’ be...." "Don’t promise us much shadin’ times, does it?" Anse remarked. "Sounds like everybody’s goin’ to have to set up a string an’ ride hosses in rotation. That is, always supposin’ your supposin’ is right."