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And sure enough, Josiah wanted me to dicker, if I could, for a calf from Mount Vernon, swop one of our yearlin's for it if I couldn't do no better. But I told him right out and out, that I couldn't go into a calf-trade with my mind wrought up as I knew it would be.

"There ought to be about twice as many cows as there're calves," I tells him. "Then, with only about fifty head of grown cows, there ought not to be an equal number of yearlin's?" "I should say not," says I. "What are you drivin' at?" "Nothin' yet," says he. A few days later he tackled me again.

Sleepers runnin' in such numbers was a little astonishin', but nothin' suspicious. Cattle did well that summer, and when we come to round up in the fall, we cut out maybe a dozen of those T 0 cattle that had strayed out of that Hahn country. Of the dozen there was five grown cows, and seven yearlin's. "My Lord, Jed," says Buck to me, "they's a heap of these youngsters comin' over our way."

But she takes it out in cuffin' the yearlin's now an' then, jest to keep 'em yellin', an' don't say nothin'. "Which the stage is about half through the canyon, when up on both sides a select assortment of Winchesters begins to bang an' jump permiscus; the same goin' hand-in-hand with whoops of onusual merit.

Sage-brush, as foreman, explained: "This yere's Peruna of the Lazy K outfit." Allen looked at the prisoner, who maintained a sullen silence. "What's he been doin'?" "Mostly everything, but Fresno caught red-handed brandin' one of our yearlin's," cried Sage-brush. "It's a lie!" broke in Peruna, glancing doggedly from one to another of his guards.

The bullet goes plumb through the base of his horn, close into the ha'r, an' all nacheral fetches him sprawlin'. I ain't waitin' to load my gun none, which not waitin' to load, I'm yere to mention, is erroneous. I'm yere to say thar oughter be an act of Congress ag'in not loadin' your gun. They oughter teach it to the yearlin's in the schools, an' likewise in the class on the Sabbath.

"One mawnin' I'm in the Gait House, lookin' fur a hossman that's stoppin' there, 'n' I see Peewee Simpson settin' in the lobby like he'd just bought the hotel. "'Who left the door open? I says to him. "'It's still open, I see, says Peewee, lookin' at me. "We exchanges a few more remarks, 'n' then Peewee tells me he's come to Loueyville to buy some yearlin's fur ole man Harris.

"Hit's that line of hills to the no'th, en winds up in this crumpled mess of hills here at the east end. This last section is called The Cliffs. If thar's any loose yearlin's left, they'll be thar. We'll edge around that away en then swing over to where old Matt laid out a path to the southern settlements." On the way to the Cliffs, Landy recounted much local history.

"Jes' look at my fine chance o' yearlin's, a-layin' on fat an' bone an' muscle every day, with no expense nor attendance, an' safe an' sound an' sure.

He wasn't much of a hoss to look at, too long coupled, you'd say, and his legs was short, but he got about like a coyote and when he sat down on a rope you couldn't budge him with a team of Percherons. That's how good he was! When he was a four year old I was cutting out yearlin's with him, and how "