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And now the brutes were turning back towards us, and a thrill of fear came to me too, for there were at least a hundred of them, and a combined attack would have made short work of us, notwithstanding our Winchesters. I unslung mine; but John was before me a shot rang out, and the big leader flung up its long arms and fell dead.

She had dim memories of just such a state of affairs when she was a child, for the feud was on now and the three things that governed the life of the cabin in Lonesome Cove were hate, caution, and fear. Bub and her father worked in the fields with their Winchesters close at hand, and June was never easy if they were outside the house.

It then passed through the possession of the Winchesters and the Dacres, the same whose tomb is such an ornament in the church, and by will Lady Dacre bequeathed it to Sir Robert Cecil, who sold it to the Earl of Lincoln, from which time we have the pedigree quoted from Dr. King. On the death of the Duke of Beaufort, Sir Hans Sloane bought it for £2,500 and pulled it down .

He declared that the Contractors' Association of Chicago had come to him repeatedly to employ sluggers, and that on one occasion the employers had told him to put Winchesters in the hands of his men and to manage somehow to get into a fight with the pickets and the strikers. The Commission, evidently surprised at this testimony, asked Mr.

The rebels saw that their sharpshooters were causing confusion in this quarter, and about twenty of them ran clear from the back of the ravine past the fire of "C" and "D" companies to the bluff, and joined their comrades in a rattling fusillade on "A." Fortunately, only a few of them, had Winchesters. "A" moved forward a little, and soon got the measure of the ravine.

At first the railroads demurred, but the cowboys lined up in the "bresh" on some dark night and pumped Winchesters into the train in a highly picturesque way.

Kentuckians on the opposing sides met once again face to face. Dick did not know it then, but a regiment drawn from neighboring counties charged the Winchesters thrice and left their dead almost at his feet. He had little time to notice or measure anything amid the awful din and the continued shock of battle in which thousands of men were falling.

"Two minutes more and they will be safe," said Billie. "Then we'll give them the two minutes," replied the corporal. "Cut loose at the bunch as soon as it is near enough." A moment later two rifles spoke out and then they turned loose their automatics, to give the impression of a much larger force. Two men fell and a minute later two more, as the boys' Winchesters again spoke.

"Here they come!" he whispered. Alex scrambled about beside him. Wilson thrust the pistol-barrels through the loop-hole. From the dark line of the cars rose a shouted command, there came a ripping volley of a dozen Colts, and a dim group of figures rushed toward them. "Now, steady!" warned Alex. "And shoot low! "Fire!" "Crash!" went the Winchesters, "Crack, crack, crack!" the pistols.

"You're not going out after that big bear, are you?" asked Jesse, anxiously, of Rob. "Of course; we're all going! What are these new rifles for just look, brand-new high-power Winchesters, every one and any one of these guns will shoot as hard for us as for a grown man." They sat for some time in the hut discussing various matters. At last John crawled to the door and looked out.