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"So I did: two solid golden sufferins. And that," said Mrs Bowldler, "was for some time the most astonishin' part of the business. Two solid golden sufferins: and low! as the sayin' is low and behold, eighteen pence in small silver!" "Little enough too, for a miracle!" mused Fancy. "It encouraged 'em to go on.

"I've got so as to read pretty well, so my tooter says. I've been studyin' geography and grammar also. I've made such astonishin' progress that I can tell a noun from a conjunction as far away as I can see 'em. Tell Mr. Munroe that if he wants an accomplished teacher in his school, he can send for me, and I'll come on by the very next train.

They ken as weel wi' the back o' their heids till ye, an' their noses fair stuffit wi' the cauld, whether ye hae been makin' a ca' or twa on the road hame on pay-nicht. I ken it's astonishin' to a single man, but ye had better tak' my word for't, it's the case.

Dead also was the friend who had travelled up with me, so full of boyish hope: both dead; the one in the full blaze of her triumph, the other in the first dawn of his young success: both dead and, but for me, both living yet and happy. Suddenly the countryman looked up and spoke. "Hav'ee seen this bit o' news? Astonishin'! And her so pretty too!" "What is it?" I asked vacantly.

Their bid won it who'd want it? a buried house you couldn't move. TONY: I see no bright colors. BRADFORD: Don't you? How astonishin'! You must be color blind. And I guess we're the first party. 'I've come to take the old life-saving station', says she. 'I'm going to sleep over there tonight! Huh! Bill is used to queer ways he deals with summer folks, but that got him.

"So'y, Mistoo Itchlin," said Narcisse, whipping away the pastry crumbs from his lap with a handkerchief and wiping his mouth, "not to encounteh you a lill biffo', to join in pahtaking the cup what cheeahs at the same time whilce it invigo'ates; to-wit, the coffee-cup as the maxim say. I dunno by what fawmule she makes that coffee, but 'tis astonishin' how 'tis good, in fact.

You stand quiet and keep a lookout, and you'll get a few minutes with him when he's done with 'is men. I wouldn't move, if I were you; he'll come to you, all right can't miss you, there. And, looking at her face, he thought: 'Astonishin' what a lot o' brothers go. Wot oh! Poor little missy! A little lady, too. Wonderful collected she is.

"You see, I can tend her an' sandwich in some work besides," Mrs. Slawson explained cheerfully. "An' Ma's a whizz at settin' by bedsides helpin' patients get up their appetites. Says she, 'Now drink this nice glass o' egg-nog, Francie, me child, she says. 'An' if you'll drink it, I'll take one just like it meself. An' true for you, she does. The goodness o' Ma is astonishin'."

'Ay, well, ye're a house full of women, and there's an astonishin' little scoldin' and quarrellin'. I should say, taking the cluster of you together, that the one at either end keeps the peace in the middle. Gwen laughed delightedly. 'You are right: Agatha and Elfie are the peace-makers, Clare and I the disturbing elements! What else? But Deb shook her head, and would say no more.

"Good cap'n Cap'n Thomas," one of his neighbors had said of him. "Allers gits good ships never hez to go huntin' 'round for a vessel. But it is astonishin' what differences they is! Now there's Cap'n A. K. P. Bassett, down to the West Harbor.