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There were among them two Kings, of as good stature and form as it would be possible to tell; the first of about XXXX years, the other a young man of XXIIII years, the clothing of whom was thus: the older had on his nude body a skin of a stag, artificially adorned like a damask with various embroideries; the head bare, the hair turned back with various bands, at the neck a broad chain ornamented with many stones of diverse colors.

"How do you know that?" said he, staggering back; "I'm sure you never saw " "Hush, hush," cried Marietta to him; "are you mad? Speak again! What frightens you? Why don't you run and help Morvalden?" "Has XXXX anything happened to him?" inquired Angerstoff, with a gaze of consternation. "You told us he had fallen overboard," returned Marietta; "must my husband perish?"

The seamen dropped their oars, as if by one impulse, and looked expressively at each other, without speaking a word. Awful XXXX forebodings of a fate similar to that of the captain appeared to chill every heart, and to repress the energy that had hitherto excited us to make unremitting exertions for our common safety.

No man under forty, unless he is a positive idiot, will stand forth as a XXXX theoretical bachelor. It is all nonsense to say that there is anything unpleasant in being courted.

I had an affection for them, these fellow-clerks, and I often wondered at their contentment with the drab lives they led, at their self-congratulation for "having a job" at Breck and Company's. "You don't mean to say you like this kind of work?" I exclaimed one day to Johnny Hedges, as we sat on barrels of XXXX flour looking out at the hot sunlight in the alley.

"Spain," says my grandfather, in a compendious descriptive sentence, "is a country of garlicky odours, of dirty contentment, of XXXX overburthened donkeys, and of excellent pork; but a fine air in the hills, and the country much sweeter than the towns. The people don't seem to know what comfort is, or cleanliness, but are nevertheless very contented in their ignorance.

The path led diagonally to the summit; and, turning a sharp level corner, my grandfather looked perpendicularly down on the XXXX Mediterranean, whose lazy waves, sending up a gentle murmur, rippled far below him. On his left, also steep down below him, was the Neutral Ground, level as the sea itself, extending northward into sandy plains, abruptly crossed by tumbled heaps of brown mountains.

"Do not let your senses be imposed upon by a distempered imagination," said I; "there is no reality in the things you have told XXXX me." "Perhaps my mind occasionally wanders a little, for it has a heavy burden upon it," returned Morvalden. "I have been guilty of a dreadful crime. Many that now lie in the deep below us might start up and accuse me of what I am just going to reveal to you.

Ideographic references, meaning pointers to the form of representation itself rather than to its content, are represented as "id:xxxx". "id:" stands for "ideograph", and indicates that the reader should form a mental picture based on the "xxxx" following the colon. "xxxx" may represent a single symbol, a word, or an attempt at a picture composed of ASCII characters. E. g.

As a selfish voluptuary, and the destroyer of his country's liberty, Cosmo has been compared with Augustus; but in gratuitous and deliberate cruelty, he far surpasses his prototype. "I was indebted to neglect and accident for the best of all XXXX educations.