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"Well, I'm not after saying it was not a wrinch at firrst, but I considered it best to lave Wall Street Wall Street, ye understand, before " "I see. Before you fell a victim to the feverish desire for reckless speculation which is so marked a characteristic of the American business man, what?" "That's it," said the other, relieved. "I, too, have been speculating," said Mr.

Well, they carried th' corpse to th' side, an' took th' ball out iv his stomach with a monkey wrinch, an' th' game was ray-shumed. 'Sivin, sixteen, eight, eleven, says Saint Aloysius; an' young Dorgan started to run down th' field.

Th' nex' day Mack is seen mendin' a rustic chair with a monkey wrinch, Bryan has a pitcher took in th' act iv puttin' on a shirt marked with th' union label, an' they'se another photygraph iv Mack carryin' a scuttle iv coal up th' cellar stairs. An' did ye iver notice how much th' candydates looks alike, an' how much both iv thim looks like Lydia Pinkham?

Dorothy Wrinch "On the Nature of Memory," "Mind," January, 1920. There are, if I am not mistaken, at least three different kinds of belief-feeling, which we may call respectively memory, expectation and bare assent. In what I call bare assent, there is no time-element in the feeling of belief, though there may be in the content of what is believed.

"Tell me what you think about it, Norah quite candidly." Norah had hesitated about replying; but she now said that she really thought Dale need not be in a hurry. Billy was so clever that when he did get to school he would learn faster than other boys; and she added that his departure from home would be "a dreadful wrinch for Mrs. Dale." "But it will be a wrench for her whenever it happens.