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"When the grass is wet, it sticks between the steel fingers above the shears and accumulates there and gets in the way. It's the devil and all that I never thought of testing it myself in wet weather. But once I've got that right, my girl, the thing will be a world-success."

But these later dreams are not the dreams of fond boyhood, whose eye sees rarely below the surface of things; nor yet the delicious hopes of sparkling-blooded youth: they are dreams of sober trustfulness, of practical results, of hard-wrought world-success, and, maybe, of Love and of Joy.

It must be more; it must be a world-success, a thing to make its way across the prairies, across the enormous plains of India and Egypt that is what is needed. Sleep? rest? food? What are such things when so much is at stake! There was no longer that questioning in his ear: Why? Whither? What then? Useless to ponder on these things.

Making the brushes and fixing them on will be no trouble at all I can do it in a day in the smithy here." "What you had better try! You're just beginning to get a little better, and you want to spoil it all again!" "I shall never get well, Merle, as long as I have that infernal machine in my head balancing between world-success and fiasco.

Moreover, he criticised the hall, the choice of programme, the orchestra, the conductor. "I discovered Musa," said he. "I have always said that he is a great concert player, and that he is destined for a great world-success, and to-night I am more sure of it than ever."