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"Er ... I don't know," he answered. "What put it into your head?" "That girl said it. Listen." They listened. The young man was arguing about something. He was arguing about something of which neither Sally nor Gaga could discover the purport. Sally said: "They're both woolly. Woolly-wits, they are. Both got maggots. What's 'art, anyway? Pitchers? And all that about values?" Gaga was buried.

Somebody gets killed. That means a blood-feud. All the relatives of the slain man whether it's Ali Higg or one of his retainers doesn't matter take up arms; and all the relatives of Woolly-wits do ditto. For each man killed in the war that follows the other side is out for the equivalent in life or goods. Village after village gets drawn in.

I don't hold with murder; it sets a bad example and turns loose a horde of individual trouble-makers who were under something like control before. It might be easy to have him murdered; you see how easy old Woolly-wits thought it might be. Murder has always been the solution of politics in the Old World right down to date; and look where they're at in consequence!"

"Suppose that sheikh at the south end of the Dead Sea who's in debt to Woolly-wits jumps at the chance to loot our caravan and bag the lady, we'll be lucky if one or two of our men don't get scuppered. That means a blood-feud between that village and all old Ali Baba's clan. "But that isn't nearly all, nor nearly the worst of it.

Here we are getting the crime of Palestine running in grooves, as it were, so's to regulate it first and then reduce it to reasonable proportions, and all that beast needs do is steal a woman and start civil war." But I did not see that the wool-merchant's private plans for vengeance amounted to civil war, and said so. "Hah! Wait and see!" said Grim. "Woolly-wits goes after vengeance.

Point is, do you know of any other gang that the wool-merchant could hire right now to attack us somewhere on the road?" "There's none in Hebron that would dare. Plenty outside in the villages." "The lady Ayisha has probably told that she's going tonight," said Grim. "Old Woolly-wits might not find it out until too late, but I suspect his wives get all the gossip that's going.