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It was from the head of the "wood-duck" the most beautiful bird of its tribe. By the other strap was suspended a large crescent-shaped horn taken from the head of an Opelousas bull, and carved with various ornamental devices. Other smaller implements hung from the belts, attached by leathern thongs: there was a picker, a wiper, and a steel for striking fire with.

How gently each has been deposited on the water! No violence has been used towards them yet, though, perchance, palpitating hearts were present at the launching. And painted ducks, too, the splendid wood-duck among the rest, often come to sail and float amid the painted leaves, barks of a nobler model still! What wholesome herb-drinks are to be had in the swamps now!

Wild turkey; also various transient and straggling water birds. RHODE ISLAND: Wood-duck, knot, greater yellow-legs, upland plover, golden plover, piping plover, great horned owl. SOUTH CAROLINA: Wood duck, abundant 6 years ago, now almost gone. Black bear verging on extinction, opossum dwindling rapidly. SOUTH DAKOTA: Prairie chicken and quail are most likely to become extinct in the near future.

The wood-duck is greatly diminishing every year, and if not completely protected, ten years hence no wood-duck will be found in Louisiana. Ivory-billed woodpecker, sandhill crane, whooping crane, pinnated grouse, American and snowy egret where unprotected.

'Wal, I guess you're gitting along considerable smart, he observed, after a lengthened stare, which amused Arthur highly for the concentration of inquisitiveness it betrayed. ''Tain't an easy job for greenhorns nohow; but you take to it kinder nateral, like the wood-duck to the pond. He chewed awhile, watching Sam's proceedings narrowly.

It is a pleasure to see that there is no spring shooting; that there is no "open" season of slaughter for the moose, caribou, wood-duck, swan, upland plover, dove or rail; that no buck deer with antlers less than three inches long may be killed; and that there is a law under which damages by deer to growing crops may be assessed and paid for by the county in which they occur.

The wood-duck is also on some of the pools. At dark we can hear the natives down the creek. Saturday, 14th July, Stirling Creek. I shall give the horses a rest to-day and to-morrow, for I do not expect to get water before we reach the reservoir in the Reynolds range. I am afraid it will be all gone in the Hanson and at the Centre. Sunday, 15th July, Stirling Creek. Resting horses, etc., etc.

A number of them have taken pains to provide extra long OPEN seasons on this species, usually of five or six months!! And this for a bird so exquisitely beautiful that shooting it for the table is like dining on birds of paradise. Here is a partial list of them: The above are the states that really possess the wood-duck and that should give it, one and all, a series of five-year close seasons.

Garry was paddling me along at the top of his pace, after a wing-tipped wood-duck, when up jumped one of the long-billed rascals, and had the impudence to skim across the creek under my very nose 'skeap! skeap! Well, I dropped him, you may be sure, with a charge, too, of duck shot; and he fell some ten yards over on the meadow; so leaving Garry to pursue the drake, I landed, loaded my gun with No. 9, and went to work the result as you see; but I cleared the meadow devil a bird is left there, except one I cut to pieces, and could not find for want of Chase two went away without a shot, over the hills and far away.

All the world loves an artist, and now there was danger of too much assistance. The cases could not be opened, but were swung around and shades raised to give the best light. Yan went at once to the bird he had "far-sketched" on the pond. To his surprise, it was a female Wood-duck.