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And, while I sang, I did not feel that I stood by a statue, as indeed it appeared to be, but that a real woman-soul was revealing itself by successive stages of imbodiment, and consequent manifestatlon and expression. Feet of beauty, firmly planting Arches white on rosy heel! Whence the life-spring, throbbing, panting, Pulses upward to reveal!

Beauty ought to inspire rather than weaken its possessor, ought to elevate rather than depress her. And it would, if woman-life was rightly appreciated, if the woman-soul was rightly taught, and the woman-heart of humanity rightly awakened to its grand capacities and duties. Woman is not alone to blame for this strange and wicked fire kindled on the altar of Beauty. Man is as guilty as she.

And then slowly the girl lifted her eyes and looked full at him her eyes now grown soft and gentle. "Yes," said she, "I can depend," Her voice was very low. Yet the woman-whisper reached to the edge of all the universe a universe robbed of its last secret by the woman-soul. "I can see you clearly," said Miss Lady, softly. "I see your heart. Yes. I am sure. I understand I know now who I am.

It was night, and I had come back from making the world a bit easier for some poor woman-soul, and you were standing in the door, waiting. "The veil was gone, and there was love on your face ah, I've often dreamed a woman was waiting for me so, but because you hide your beauty from me, 't is not for me to be asking more. God knows I have enough given me, now.

"What you need is something to get you out of yourself," the critic was saying "something to restore your sanity and balance. It'll come to you some day. Perhaps it'll be a love-affair you'll meet some woman who'll carry you away. I know the sort you need they grow in the West the great brooding type of woman-soul, that would fold you in her arms and give you a little peace."

Peerless Jim! crowning triumph of Darwinian Evolution from the inert mineral, through countless hairy and uninviting types! how precious the inexplicable vital spark which, nevertheless, robs thy sculptured form of all cash Gallery-value; and how easy to read in that gentle personality a satisfying comment on the concluding lines of Faust : The Woman-Soul leadeth us Upward and on.

So, you see, my dear, it is a big game a big game!" He stood looking at her with earnest thoughtful eyes. Suddenly the woman-soul within her awoke in a surging, inexplicable wave of emotion which almost overcame her; and after it came something of realization of the great fight he was making for her for her, and the aged, feeble grandfather waiting patiently out there.

There were to be no more wars; democracy was democracy, and progress, the differentiation of the individual, was a mere question of clothes; if you want to be different, go to your tailor; nobody had demonstrated that there is a man-soul and a woman-soul, and that each is in reality only a half-soul, putting the race, so to speak, upon the half-shell.

She can't write, and she can't sing she can't do anything that your wife does." "I'm afraid," said Channing, in a low voice, "you don't take my remarks in the right spirit." "Even suppose that she were not what you call a 'great woman-soul'," persisted Thyrsis "at least she has starved and suffered for me; and wouldn't common loyalty bind me to her?"

Her mother, whom it was so hard to cherish for her own sake, she would and could love because her father had done so; that father, whose only existence now was in her own, she loved with fervour which seemed to grow daily. Supreme, fostered by these other affections, exalted by the absence of a single hope for self, reigned the first and last love of her woman-soul.