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In this painful position I contrived to get a couple of swallows; but I should think I took in quite as much at my nose and ears. Clayley and Chane followed our example, the Irishman swearing loudly that it was a "burnin' shame to make a dacent Christyin dhrink like a horse in winkers." Our guards now commenced driving our mules out of the water.

"Quite well, Shingle," rejoins the gloved, a stout red faced sudoriferous yam fed planter, dressed in blue white jean trowsers and waistcoat, with long Hessian boots drawn up to his knee over the former, and a spannew square skirted blue coatee, with lots of clear brass buttons: a broad brimmed black silk hat, worn white at the edge of the crown wearing a very small neckcloth, above which shoots up an enormous shirt collar, the peaks of which might serve for winkers to a starting horse, and carrying a large whip in his hand "Quite well, my dear fellow," while he persists in dragging at it the other homo all the while standing in the absurd position of a finger post at length off comes the glove piecemeal perhaps a finger first, for instance then a thumb at length they tackle to, and shake each other like the very devil not a sober pump handle shake, but a regular jiggery jiggery, as if they were trying to dislocate each other's arms and, confound them, even then they don't let go they cling like sucker fish, and talk and wallop about, and throw themselves back and laugh, and then another jiggery jiggery.

Don't you drive her in a top-buggy, ner 'thout winkers, s' he, 'ner 'thought this bit ef you look to come home behind her. 'N' the fust thing the boss did was to git the top-buggy. "Can't say as I like top-buggies," said Rick; "they don't balance good." "Suit me to a ha'ar," said Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

"He likes you, winkers and all. I can tell, all right. When you go out for a ride he gives me nickels if I tell him where " "Robert Ches " "Oh, all right." Buddy's tone was wearily tolerant. "A man never knows what to talk about to women, anyway. I'd hate to be married to 'em wouldn't you, Ford?" "A little boy like you " began his mother, somewhat pinker of cheeks than usual.

Jo could do it she's got winkers six feet long." Miss Josephine had been looking at Ford's face going red, as enlightenment came to him, but when she caught a quick glance leveled at her lashes, she drooped them immediately so that they almost touched her cheeks. Bud gave a squeal and pointed to her with his fork. "Jo's blushing!

"It's ha'f-seein' the pesky thing bobbin' an' balancn' behind the winkers gits on my nerves. Then the boss looked at the bit they'd sold with me, an' s' he: 'Jiminy Christmas! This 'u'd make a clothes-horse Stan' 'n end! Then he gave me a plain bar bit, an' fitted it 's if there was some feelin' to my maouth." "Hain't ye got any, Miss Tedda?" said Tuck, who has a mouth like velvet, and knows it.

She had winkers of lace to her head, and her hoop covered so many acres that one could but approach at an awful distance and confidences were impossible a sure reason why the modish ladies will soon drop the hoop. I saluted the bride after the ceremony and says I: "Maria, my love, I attend your presentation on Sunday, and I bring my smelling-bottle for Lady Coventry.

Jesus, I had to laugh at the way he came out with that about the old one with the winkers on her, blind drunk in her royal palace every night of God, old Vic, with her jorum of mountain dew and her coachman carting her up body and bones to roll into bed and she pulling him by the whiskers and singing him old bits of songs about Ehren on the Rhine and come where the boose is cheaper.

I felt so sorry for him I decided not to give up, that I wouldn't be lost, that I wouldn't die there like a fly on a sheet of tanglefoot! I had fallen down on my knees, with my back to the wind, and already the snow had drifted around me. I also found my eye-lashes frozen together, and I lost several winkers in getting rid of those solidified tears.

I guess she's ashamed because she's got such long winkers, and Ford keeps looking at 'em all the time. Why don't you shave 'em off with dad's razor? Then Ford would like you, maybe. He don't now. He told dad " "Robert Chester Mason, do you want me to get the hairbrush?" This, it need not be explained, from Mrs. Kate, in a voice that portended grave disaster.