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Once there was occasion for O'Ryan to catch Fergus by the arm, and Fergus winced from the grip. When standing in the wings with Terry he ventured to apologise playfully for the joke, but Terry made no answer; and once again he had whispered good-naturedly as they stood together on the stage; but the reply had been a low, scornful laugh. Fergus realised that a critical moment was at hand.

In my life I have loved but one woman " "And she is the wife of another!" cried the girl. Bill winced as from a blow, and she continued, speaking rapidly: "I do not ask that you marry me not even that you love me. It is enough that I am at your side. You will treat me kindly, for you are good. Marriage is nothing empty words if the heart loves; nothing else matters, and some day you will love me."

She saw that he winced at the question, but he scarcely paused before he replied. "I have thought it well over. I could go on practising when I came back to England; and in the meantime I suppose you would have to take me abroad, Nan: I could not well take you," he said with a grim sort of jocularity, which she could not help seeing was painful to him.

And now for the last eight months you have been doctoring the ledger Hardie winced just perceptibly "You have put down our gains in white, our losses in black, and so you keep feeding your pocket-book and empty our tills; the pear will soon be ripe, and then you will let it drop, and into the Bankruptcy Court we go.

She spoke with him of the magic things she brews to make Elfgiva sleep, and he gave her herbs which she thought so useful that she has been fretful because she has not seen him since " Unconsciously, the young soldier's hands tightened on her shoulders until she winced.

"Oh, what a mess!" she groaned. "Are you hurt, darlin'?" "No!" Harriet sat up determinedly, but the effort gave her pain. She winced a little, but made no sound. "My kingdom for a motor car!" cried Jane. "Let me help you, Harriet." Harriet attempted to rise, but had to sit down again. Jane slipped an arm about her waist and lifted the girl to her feet. "Hadn't you better not sit down, darlin'?"

The opposition lawyers winced; and when Sutton asked if permission would be given to hear the testimony of the post commander and quartermaster, both familiar with the quality of cattle the government had been receiving for years, the commissioner, having admitted damaging testimony, objected on the ground that they were under suspension, and military men were not considered specialists outside their own vocation.

"These things, Mr. Gael," she said, "they must have been made for a tall child." Prosper had too far tempted his pain, and in her vivid phrase it came to life before him. She had painted a startling picture and he had seen that suit, so small and trim, before. Joan saw his face grow white, his eyes stared through her. He drew a quick breath and winced away from her, hiding his face in his hands.

I could make nothing of the Greek, I own, for, except a half-stealthy regard for myself, she confessed to nothing, and the other was nearly as inscrutable. It was only the little warmth at last that betrayed her. I hurt her pride, and as she winced, I said, "There's the sore spot there's mischief there!"

The cap'n was staring at her. "You ain't goin' to sell off your things without ay or no?" he inquired. "Don't ye prize 'em the table you've eat off of an' chairs you've set in sence you were little?" Miss Letty winced, and then recovered herself. "Yes," she said, "I do prize 'em. But it seems if they'd got to go." "Why don't ye take 'em with ye?" "I couldn't do that, Oliver.