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Becoming still more foolish, Uzumé waved her wand wildly, loosened her dress, and danced till she had not a stitch of clothing left on her. The gods were so amused at her foolishness that they all laughed, until the heavens shook as with claps of thunder.

"They take us for spirits from another land, and are making us welcome here. Listen, I'll see if I can make out what else they are saying." The character of the shouts and chants changed abruptly, and the dancing increased in fervor, even the children throwing themselves wildly about.

One gentleman who boasted a coat, sarong, and wide sash of brilliant green, the material being of Moro manufacture, and hence of great interest to the Burnside people, was possessed that one of us should buy the outfit, and only with great difficulty and the utmost tact was he persuaded from denuding himself then and there, so anxious was he to make a sale; and long after the life-boat was under way did some belated Moro rush to the beach, wildly gesticulating and calling, evidently willing to exchange some treasured knife, buyo box, or brightly coloured turban for American gold at our own valuation, although he had perhaps scorned a very high price for these same things earlier in the day.

I was barely thirteen, he was eighteen, and we already loved one another wildly in those big gardens of the Villa Montefiori which are now all broken up. Ah! what days we spent there, whole afternoons among the trees, hours in secret hiding-places, where we kissed like little angels. When the oranges ripened their perfume intoxicated us.

And it is at first a terrifying sensation. Until you learn to be glad." "You're caught and you know under your hat you're never going to be able to get away any more. It'll hold you till you die!" said he, a little wildly. "My God! I'm caught! First It bit off a leg on me, so I couldn't run. Then It wished you and your bugs on me. And now Yes, sir; I'm done for. That kid got my goat this morning.

The Sioux would be only to glad to scurry away from their front and let them through, and then in big circle whirl all about him, pouring in a concentric fire that would be sure to hit some, at least, exposed as they would be on the open prairie, while their return shots, radiating wildly at the swift-darting warriors, would be almost as sure to miss.

Emily's head swam; her heart beat furiously she staggered to the door, and opened it to escape from the room. "I'm guilty of robbing him; but I'm innocent of his blood!" Mrs. Rook called after her wildly. "The deed was done the yard door was wide open, and the man was gone when I looked in for the last time. Come back, come back!" Emily looked round. "I can't go near you," she said, faintly.

Some one in the room whispered, "It must be Miss Middleton." The sound caught the dying man’s ear and he wildly exclaimed, "Has she come? Oh! Has she come?" Fanny was now heard speaking in the hall. We have said that her voice was strangely like her sister’s, so it was no wonder that Mr. Wilmot, in his feverish delirium, mistook it.

I thought an English gentleman an English gentleman oh! oh! to think it was all because I did not give you money just common dollars and cents that that I daren't offer to a decent American who could work for himself." Sir Nigel sprang at her. He struck her with his open hand upon the cheek, and as she reeled she held up her small, feverish, shaking hand, laughing more wildly than before.

"Don't jump, you might hurt yourself!" cried Dave, and shoved the door shut. "Hope you have a pleasant journey!" called out Phil, merrily. "And a nice walk back!" added Dave. The freight train quickly gathered headway. Dave and Phil ran down by the side of the tracks. They saw Nat shove back the door about a foot and peer out. He did not dare to jump, and, seeing them, shook his fist wildly.