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Pete stared, and leaned over out of the perpendicular, so as to get his face closer to Tom's. "Whort say?" "Will you have sixpence?" said Tom, thrusting his right hand into his pocket, and withdrawing the above coin. "Yerse; 'course I will," cried Pete, snatching the piece, spitting on it, and thrusting it into his pocket. "Thought your sort allus telled the truth."

And only his nose retained its color. "What d'ye mean?" he whispered with a hoarse oath. "Spit it out, or, by Christmas, I'll drill you!" "Whort price thet brikewater?" drawled Raffles coolly. "Eh?" Rosenthall's revolvers were describing widening orbits. "Whort price thet brikewater old I.D.B.?"

Lewisham opened his Shakespeare and read from a mark onward that mark, by-the-bye, was in the middle of a scene while he consumed mechanically a number of slices of bread and whort jam. Mrs. Munday watched him over her spectacles and thought how bad so much reading must be for the eyes, until the tinkling of her shop-bell called her away to a customer.

Lewisham did not like the second condition very much, because it seemed to touch a little on his latest enterprise. But the tea and the bread and butter and the whort jam were like no food on earth. There were wallflowers, heavy scented, in a jug upon the table, and Ethel admired them, and when they set out again the little old lady insisted on her taking a bunch with her.