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From each of these drums came two leather bands, each of which turned a pulley-wheel, and each pulley-wheel a grindstone, to whose axle it was attached; but now the grindstones rested in the troughs, and the great wheel-bands hung limp, and the other bands lay along loose and serpentine.

One ran and screamed to stop the power, another to cut the big wheel-bands. All this took several seconds; and here seconds were torn flesh and broken bones.

At sight of this human cinder, hanging by one hand between two deaths, every sentiment but humanity vanished from the ruggedest bosom, and the skilled workmen set themselves to save their unpopular comrade with admirable quickness and judgment: two new wheel-bands, that had just come into the works, were caught up in a moment, and four workmen ran with them and got below the suspended figure: they then turned back to back, and, getting the bands over their shoulders, pulled hard against each other.

Little tossed this epistle contemptuously into the fire, and invented on. Two days after that he came to the works, and found the saw grinders standing in a group, with their hands in their pockets. "Well, lads, what's up?" "Mary Anne has been here." "And two pair of wheel-bands gone." "Well, men, you know whose fault it is."

Two days afterward the wheel-bands vanished, and the obnoxious machines stood still. Little was for going to Grotait, to try and come to terms. Bolt declined. He bought new bands, and next day the machines went on again.

But, mind you, if a master wants his tanks tapped and his hardening-liquor run into the shore or his bellows to be ripped, his axle-nuts to vanish, his wheel-bands to go and hide in a drain or a church belfry, and his scythe-blades to dive into a wheel-dam, he has only to be wrong with your Union, and he'll be accommodated as above. I speak from experience." "Oh, rattening!" said Mr Parkin.