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'Whash her name? said one of the warriors, whose head occasionally drooped upon his epaulettes, and whose eyes fell together in the casual manner characteristic of the tired soldier. 'Her name? Well, 'tis spelt, A, N but, by gad, I won't give ye her name here in company. She don't live a hundred miles off, however, and she wears the prettiest cap-ribbons you ever saw. Well, well, 'tis weakness!

"As for King, he's asleep, and I guess we can put him to bed here. If we try to carry him out there'll be more of a push than there is now. Let him sleep it off," and he glanced at a huddled figure in a corner chair. "Who's asleep?" broke in the thick voice of the wastral. "Whash matter you fellers, anyhow?

In due course he halted before the inebriated one with the glittering tie-pin in the smoking compartment of the parlor car. "Ticket, please," said Hawkeye. "Too busy to buysh ticket," the man informed him, with heavy confidence. "Whash fare Loon Dam to Big Cloud?" "One-fifty," said Hawkeye curtly. The man produced a roll of bills, and from the roll extracted a two-dollar note.

Another piece of handkerchief succeeded, going down the barrel with that peculiar whish whash sound, to be thumped hard with the ramrod at the bottom till the rod was ready to leap out of the barrel again. Then there was the pan to open and prove full of powder, and all ready for the first great wild bird he should see, or perhaps a hare or a fox, as soon as he should land.

"Yesh, Jack, my dear boy," he was saying, "wine'sh a jolly good thing to be ushed and not abushed. Blow my toothache toothache so very dericulous don't know what I'm shaying." Mr. Mole winked and blinked like an owl in daylight. "Jack." "Sir." "Whash the devil Jack!" He started in utter amazement. "Yes, sir." "Why, Mr.

There was a commotion at the side door, which had been opened by Mulligan in order that the men might carry out the body of Mrs. Darcy. There was a shuffling of feet, and a rather thick and unsteady voice asked: "Whash matter here? Place on fire? Looks like devil t'pay! Let me in. Shawl right, offisher. Got a right t' come in, I have! I got something here. 'Svaluable, too!

Plunging along with his head down, his thoughts wholly preoccupied with his grievance and its remedy, he bumped into Willing and cannoned off, recognising him with an angry growl. The result of this was to stay Pete's departure; he grasped the frame of the door and steadied himself, glaring round at the aggressor. "'Lo, Roland," he said, focussing his vision. "Whash masser?"

"Go back, if you know what's good for you." "Whash that? Who your dog last year? Shay! You can't come no highty-tighty over me. Who your new friend? Shay!" He reeled and gripped the seat, flooding me with his vile breath. "By Gawd, I got the dead-wood on you, you !" and he had loosed such a torrent of low epithets that they are inconceivable.

Whash ze matter m' dear?" stammered the other. "Whash ze harm zash all I'll take care you all right Ol' man never know." And again he clutched her arm.

Griffith went over to the swaying figure, and stared close into the pallid face and glittering, bloodshot eyes. "You damned fool!" he jerked out. "Whash whash 'at? Whash you shay, Grishsh?" "You damned idiot!" "Thash all ri'. Goo' frensh, Grishsh, youm me. Lesh hash a dro-drop." "Come on in," said the engineer. "I'll give you several drops." He shot a glance at the Englishman.