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It seemed to Thyrsis that everywhere he turned the search-light of his new truth, the structure of his opinions would topple like a house of cards. Truly, here was a "Gotzendammerung", an "Umwertung aller Werthe"! The worst of it was that he had to read, not only literature, but also history often his own kind of history, that had not yet been written.

"And then how tame and weak has life itself become during the last two shabby centuries. Where do we now meet an original nature? and where is the man who has the strength to be true, and to show himself as he is? This, however, affects the poet, who must find all within himself, while he is left in the lurch by all without." The conversation now turned on Werthe.

The next important figure on the list was the Countess Babette de Keglevics, afterward Princess Odeschalchi, to whom Beethoven showed his feelings in the shape of the Sonata, Opus 7. The Baroness Ertmann he addressed as "Liebe, werthe, Dorothea Cecilia," while the Countess Erdödy received the still warmer greeting of "Liebe, liebe, liebe, liebe Gräfin."

"Irh Diener, werthe Jungfer Braut Viel Glücke zur heutgen Freude!" and exclaiming that at the sight of her in her garland and wedding-garb the heart laughs out in rapture; and what wonder that lips and breast overflow with joy.