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Accents of dark produce such snappiness as is commended by the publisher who esteems the brilliancy which a rapid interchange of lights and darks always yields, a sparkle, running through the whole and easily printed. The works of Mr. Wenzell as a single example of this quality, or of Mr. Henry Hutt, in lighter key, will be found to gain much of their force from a very few accents of dark.

"Artfully contrived and full of romantic charm * it possesses ingenuity of incident, a figurative designation of the unhallowed scenes in which unlicensed love accomplishes and wrecks faith and happiness." Athenaeum. YOUNG APRIL. With illustrations by A. B. Wenzell. "It is everything that a good romance should be, and it carries about it an air or distinction both rare and delightful."

The vessel boarded was the Martha Wenzell, of Boston, from Akyab for Falmouth. At 2 P.M. anchored in Simon's Bay, and was boarded by a Lieutenant from the flag-ship of Admiral Walker. Monday, August 10th. Weather fine. I called on Admiral Walker at his residence, and was presented by him to his family, and spent an agreeable half hour with them, giving them a brief outline of our quarrel and war.

A narrow escape Respect for neutral waters The Martha Wenzell At the Cape Dense fogs Heavy weather "Are you a vessel of war?" -Firmness and obstinacy Simon's Town Misrepresentations A little rest Land-sharks A night scene To the Indian Ocean The barque Amanda. Saturday, August 8th, 1863. The gale broke last night, but there is still some breeze blowing, and the sea is quite rough.

And from her lips she gave into his keeping soul and body, guiltless as God gave it, to have and to hold beyond such incidents as death and the eternity that no man clings to save in the arms of such as she. The Fighting Chance. By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS. Illustrated by A.B. Wenzell. 12mo. Ornamental Cloth, $1.50. In "The Fighting Chance" Mr.