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On Tuesday, March 26, there came for us an equipage properly suited to a wealthy well-beneficed clergyman; Dr.

Egremont after luncheon, since he was determined to go at once, and moreover to drag his father with him. Canon Egremont was a good and upright man, according to his lights, which were rather those of a well-beneficed clergyman of the first than of the last half of the century, intensified perhaps that the passive voice was the strongest in him.

Such had been the training of Reginald Heber, through the pleasant paths of successful scholarship and literature, and of well-beneficed country pastorship; a life perilous to spirituality and earnestness, but which he kept full of the salt of piety, charity and unwearied activity as parish priest, and as one of the voices of the Church.

Floating thus easily into preferment, without a shoal or rock in his course, fairly wealthy, and belonging to a well-esteemed county family, connected through his brother with the very elite of literary society, it seemed as though, in the laxity of the early part of the century, Reginald Heber could hardly have helped falling into the indolence of learned ease, the peril of the well-beneficed clergy of his day, especially among those who had not accepted the peculiarities of the awakening school of the period.

That is the well-beneficed point of view, you perceive, from which difficulties are much simplified," he ended, smiling. The Vicar did feel then as if his share of duties would be easy. But Duty has a trick of behaving unexpectedly something like a heavy friend whom we have amiably asked to visit us, and who breaks his leg within our gates.