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And then Jack Waterpark, some of us thought she would have had him in the end being an Irishman, and a rich man, and a marquis to boot he gave her the name of Murthering Moll, because of her killing eyes, young lady he! he! he! and there was Ned Cuffe ready to hang himself for her, and Jim Denham, and old Beau Vernon, ay, and a score of others.

"'You English fools, he said, 'you braggards cowards. And he seized a glass of wine from the table and with a sweep he dashed it at us and ended by flinging the empty glass in Lord Waterpark's face. It was the neatest thing you ever saw, for we all got a drop except Waterpark, and he got the glass.

'I challenge you all, said the Frenchman, 'I'll fight you one by one, and I shall have her into the bargain. And so he did, my dear, he fought us all, one after the other; there were five of us; he was a devil with the sword, but Ned Cuffe ran him through for all that and he was a month getting over it, but as soon as he could crawl again he vowed himself ready for Waterpark, and weak as he was he ran poor Waterpark through the lungs.

And then one night at the Assembly Rooms, after the dancing was over and we gay fellows were all together, up gets Waterpark, he was a little tipsy, my dear, and by gad I can hear him speak now, with that brogue of his. 'Boys, he says, 'it's no use your trying for her any more, for by God I've won her. And out of his breast-pocket he pulls a little knot of blue ribbon.