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Kimball, the proprietor, a New Hampshire Democrat of imposing appearance, was one of the last Washingtonians to wear knee breeches and a ruffled shirt. He was a great admirer of my father and his place was a resort of my childhood. One day in the early April of 1852 I was humped in a chair upon one side of the open entrance reading a book Mr.

Kimball, the proprietor, a New Hampshire Democrat of imposing appearance, was one of the last Washingtonians to wear knee breeches and a ruffled shirt. He was a great admirer of my father and his place was a resort of my childhood. One day in the early April of 1852 I was humped in a chair upon one side of the open entrance reading a book Mr.

I was perplexed as to what I ought to do under the circumstances, but by the advice of two Washingtonians, one of them the general agent of my paper, I still continued at my post of editor. In the following winter I was up as one of three candidates for Congress from Essex County.

To the Washingtonians it was a matter of course that Mrs. Lee should marry Silas P. Ratcliffe. That he should be glad to get a fashionable and intelligent wife, with twenty or thirty thousand dollars a year, was not surprising.

Parker showed his disappointment; he was not eliciting much information. Abruptly he turned to Clymer, whose prominent position in the financial world made him a familiar figure to all Washingtonians. "Weren't you present in the police court on Tuesday morning also?" Parker asked. "Yes," Clymer modified the curt monosyllable by adding, "I helped Dr.

"He is one of my bravest officers, having behaved with conspicuous gallantry at Gettysburg and Cedar Creek. But the night of the first Bull Run, his body servant was asked by his family, who are Washingtonians, if he had seen his master during the battle. 'Deed I done seed him at de end ob de fight, and Marse Sam was on de mos' retreatenist hoss in de army."

On that very morning he had attacked and taken Fort Stedman. To drive him out required a veritable action not terminating for several hours. Lincoln visited the scene of restoration after the carnage, and, on hearing regrets that the review the chief recreation of the Washingtonians he checked the light-souled attendants with: "This victory is better than any review."

"Here are your letters of credit, your passport, and introductions to our friends across the water," handing him a leather wallet. "They will see that you are properly introduced to Washington hostesses. Go out in society; I am told it is most delightful at the Capital. Make friends with influential public men and prominent Washingtonians.

"If there was more praying," he said, "and less swearing, it would be far better for our country." An old acquaintance of the President's visited him at Washington. Each man's wife insisted on the gentleman, her lord, donning gloves. For they were going as a square party out in the presidential carriage, and the Washingtonians would not accept a king as such unless he dressed as a king. Mr.

Like the roar of the waves of the sea rose the yell of the Washingtonians: "Who tied the score when the score was rolling? Who tied the score when the score was rolling? Brewster, yes? Well, I guess! She tied the score when the score was rolling!" Then Sahwah's luck turned and she could make no more baskets. She began to feel weak again and fumbled the ball more than once.