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Upon which the deaf old grandfather rises in his corner, and pulls off his cap, with the usual salutation, "Sarvant, Sah," etc., and sitting down again, relapses into a doze immediately. Frisbie is furious. "What you 'bout here?" he cries, in an alarming voice. "Bless you, Sir," answers the old woman, over a tub, "don't you see? We's doon' a little washin', Sir.

"Guess this kind of a racket is sort of new to you, Mr. Kent," he ventured. "Ever seen gold washin' before?" "No," Beth confessed, "and I don't see where the gold is to come from now." Gettysburg chuckled. "Holy toads! Miners do a heap of work and never see it neither.

Where's Mr. M'Carthy from you?" "Oh! that I may never sin but sure I know I will for I'm a great sinner God forgive me! but anyhow, that I may never sin, if I'm worth the washin'! Oh! Jerry, darlin', sick a killin' day as we had I never passed, an' I'm well accustomed to the mountains.

Sulphur matches ain't good fer 'em to suck. I ain't got nothing to say 'bout the sulphur, but the phospherus is sure injurious, an', anyway, it's easy settin' 'emselves afire. Kids is ter'ble fond of sand, an' gravel, an' mud, inside an' out. Outside ain't no harm, 'cep' it keps you washin' 'em, but inside's likely to give 'em colic. Don't let 'em climb on tables an' things.

'Stay here with Edwin Booth till I get back. "I hustles down the line 'n' finds Peewee Simpson washin' out bandages that's what he'd come to. "'You still got that sorrel hound? I says to him. "'Nope, says Peewee. 'He's got me. I'm takin' in washin' to support him. "'Brace yourself fur a shock, I says. 'I'll give you real money fur him.

Halliss had put the room tidy, and laid the baby carefully in a borrowed cradle in the corner, and brought up Edie and Ernest a big square tray covered by a snow-white napkin 'My own washin', mum' and conveying a good cup of tea, a couple of crisp rolls, and two such delicious milky eggs as were never before known in the whole previous history of the county of Middlesex.

But lemme go on wid my washin', missy for Gord's sake." Laughing again now, she drew a match from the ledge of one of the rafters, struck it across the sole of her bare foot, and began to light the fire under her furnace.

"But they do need washin'. It's kind o' natural fer kids to fancy dirt. After that," he went on, his eyes drifting over to a pile of dirty clothes stacked on a chair, "I'll sure have to do a bit of washing." He set the frying-pan down beside the stove and moved over to the clothes, picking up the smallest pair of child's knickers imaginable.

It seemed to her right that other folks that wa'n't any better able than she was herself should wait on her, and she couldn't get it through her head that anybody should think it WA'N'T right. "'Yes, says Luella, real sweet and pretty, 'yes, she said she had to do her washin' to-night. She has let it go for a fortnight along of comin' over here.

First, I rode one o' the veterans over to the station about ten miles away, an telegraphed the other man not to bother; then I came back an' wed the onions, washed the dishes, ran the washin' machine say, I was bein' entertained all right, but every minute I felt like reachin' to see if my back hair wasn't comin' down. Me an' the cow had the time of our life that night.