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Would the public feel like that, if they only knew?... The Speaker's gavel had come down like a pistol shot. One "war-hoss" as my neighbour called them after another proceeded to crush the member from Elkington. It was, indeed, very skillfully done, and yet it was a process from which I did not derive, somehow, much pleasure.

As he couldn't 'spec' to git no furder, he rides quietly up to a hofficer, takes de sword out ob his hand afore he understand what he wants, den, diggin' de spurs into de big war-hoss, off he goes wid a yell like a Red Inj oh! I's mean like a a buff'lo bull. Out comes de swords. Dey close all round 'im. I no see him by dat time.

Would the public feel like that, if they only knew?... The Speaker's gavel had come down like a pistol shot. One "war-hoss" as my neighbour called them after another proceeded to crush the member from Elkington. It was, indeed, very skillfully done, and yet it was a process from which I did not derive, somehow, much pleasure.

Would the public feel like that, if they only knew?... The Speaker's gavel had come down like a pistol shot. One "war-hoss" as my neighbour called them after another proceeded to crush the member from Elkington. It was, indeed, very skillfully done, and yet it was a process from which I did not derive, somehow, much pleasure.