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There was no possibility of obtaining accommodation there. From its ground-floor to its garrets the hotel was packed with German princes, dukes, dukelets, and their suites, together with a certain number of English, American, and other war-correspondents. Close by, however indeed, if I remember rightly, on the other side of the way there was a cafe, whither my father and myself directed our steps.

Nothing I had read about the present war was of any help to me. The reports of the war-correspondents in the daily press were so full of obviously false psychology, that I regarded them as obstacles in the way of a proper understanding of modern warfare, and no doubt that was partly the object with which they were written or rather inspired.

He said he'd have me sent home to-morrow and kept there, and Viola should go with me. And when he'd finished he told us that Antwerp had fallen. That was how Jevons came to write the story of the Fall of Antwerp instead of me. Well, he didn't sack Colville; and he didn't get me packed off with the other war-correspondents who left Ghent in a body the next day.

But he only said sadly, "You oughtn't to have brought her, Furny. But I suppose you couldn't stop her." I said, No, I couldn't stop her. But I hadn't brought her. She had brought me. We sat on till the lounge was open to the guests of the hotel. And when the war-correspondents began to drop in I saw that Jevons was uneasy. "D'you mind if I turn in, old man?" he said.

Sir Douglas Haig Atmosphere at headquarters something of Oxford and of Scotland Sir Henry Rawlinson "Degumming" the inefficient Back on the Ridge again The last shell-burst Good-bye to the mess The fellow war-correspondents Bon voyage.

Yet these two war-correspondents thought it an acquittal of conscience after their kindling periods to dwell on the immorality of war. The one spoke of the beauty of Bible precepts, the other disburdened himself on the cruelty and wickedness of a battle. What artistic hypocrisy!

He stopped short in the brilliant sunshine which now flooded their path, and looked gravely at Peter. "Some of us," said John, "have imagination enough to realize, even without the help of war-correspondents, the scenes of horror through which you, and scores of other boys, fresh from school, like you, had to live through.

In the fall of 1899, David Cairns, the youngest of the American war-correspondents, stood hungry and desolate in the plaza of the little town of Alphonso, two days' cavalry march below Manila when Pack-train Thirteen arrived with provisions. The mules swung in with drooping heads and lolling tongues, under three-hundred-pound packs.

But because that cannot be, we are no further away than we ever were and when the pain to see you comes, I don't let it hurt and I don't kill it either for it is the sweetest pain I can feel. If sons will go off and marry, or be war-correspondents, or managers, it does not mean that Home is any the less Home.

Just look at the war! And when we tried to cheer him up with the prospect of a second Waterloo, the Waterloo that all the war-correspondents said was coming off next week, he refused to listen to what he called our putrid gabble. There wouldn't be any Waterloo next week or the week after, he said. "There won't be any Waterloo for another two years, if then." He wasn't always lugubrious.