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Only by his superior agility was Racey enabled to dodge all save a few drops of a full bucket of water. "Djever get left! Djever get left!" singsonged Racey from the corner of the building, and set the thumb of one hand to his nose and twiddled opprobrious fingers at his comrade. "You wanna be a li'l bit quicker when you go to souse me, Swing. Yo're too slow, a lot too slow. Yep.

I wanna he'p her with her quick changes like I useter." "You he'p her! Say, how would that look in all them swell places she's goin' to? W'y, she'll have a maid!" "Like the headliners, Bert?" "Sure!" "A coon, Bert?" "Sure! Like a li'l musical com'dy star." "Honest?" "Honest!" "But, Bert, w'y can't I go, too?" "Aw, now, say w'y w'y, you're too big!" "What-ta y' mean, Bert?"

Didn't you hear about Dawson's li'l run-in with Nebraska?" "Hell, I seen it!" "You seen it, huh? And you know what he done to you to-day, and still you wanna paint for war now and immediate? No, Bully, not a-tall. You listen to me. I got a better plan. A whole lot better plan. Lookit...."

Again Lucile was silent. Wanna know who come island. Look. See two white face in window; two white women. Then pretty much scared. One witch-doctor, old man, hair all so," he rubbed up his hair. "Say that witch-doctor, 'No come white women this island; too much ice, no come. Spirits come; that's all. Say that one witch-doctor, 'Must kill white woman spirits; must burn house.

The big man bent over the child clumsily and tried to raise his quivering chin. "Aw, now, Freddy," he coaxed, "wanna come out with me an' an' have a soda?" Freddy shook his head. "Buy ya some candy, too. Choc'late drops! An' how about one o' them li'l airyplane toys I seen in the window down the street? Huh? Or some marbles? Huh? Freddy, le's go buy out this here dinky li'l ole town.

Whatta you wanna do freeze a fellow out?" Her eyes would betray her. "Any old time I could freeze you, Charley." "Honest?" "You're the one that freezes me all the time. You're the one that keeps me guessing and guessing where I stand with you." A sudden lurch and he caught her as she swayed. "Come, Sweetness, this is our corner.

Bu' you wanna wash ou' y' don' gi' wa'er insish. Wa'er insish a man'sh wor' ching " "That's all right, old man," cut in Lord James, "I'll see to that. Leave it to me." By this time they had come in beside Blake's own cot, which extended out of the corner of the room, at the foot of Griffith's equally simple bed. Griffith opened the door of a tiny bathroom and turned on the hot water in the tub.

I set de bahsket in de boat an' stood waitin' fo' my money. "You ain't finished yo' job yit, dey say. 'Git yo'se'f in dat boat an' put dat stuff on be'd. "W'en I gits on deck a cullud boy 'bout my size say 'Wanna look about a bit? So I foller him below an' fo' I knowed it, I feel de boat kinda shakin. I run to a porthole an' look out. Dere was Key West too far away to swim back to.

But it ain't my fault, Luke. I can't help it. Of course, if you don't wanna talk to me private like, I can reel her off in here. My thoughts were all of you and yore feelin's, Luke, when I said the corral. I was shore you'd be happier there." "I ain't got a thing to hide, not a thing," declared Luke Tweezy. "But if you want to we'll go out to the corral."

He ran backward at its swift approach, leaped high, caught it, and with a long curving swing, so easy as to appear almost effortless, sent it hurtling back. The lad on the pitcher's mound made as if to catch it, changed his mind, dodged, started after it. The boy at bat called to Nick: "Heh, you! Wanna come on and pitch?" Nick shook his head and went on.