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An' I ran up to the windy dormitory, stumblin' at ivery third step for the blindin' tears, and watched um from the window there growin' small along the road. 'Ye Mountains av Gilboa, said I, shakin' my fist at the hills, 'let there be no dew, neither let there be rain upon ye; for I hated the place now that Jemmy was gone.

And we endured it as best we could with shakin' nerves and achin' earpans. It wuz a curius time. The dog harrowin' our nerve, and snappin' at Josiah anon, if not oftener, and ketchin' holt of him anywhere, and she a callin' it a angel; and Josiah a lookin' so voyalent at it, that it seemed almost as if that glance could stun it. It wuz a curius seen.

"'She's shorely Missis Glegg is says old Glegg, shakin' his grizzly head; 'she's shore the most meteoric married lady of which hist'ry says a word. My girl Abby's like her. "'But whatever's your objection, argues Enright, 'to this young an' trusty sport who's so eager to wed Abby? "'I objects to him because he gambles, says old Glegg.

It killed six of the boys, all my friends, and buried me under the dirt that fell from the parapet back of me. I had sense and strength enough to dig myself out. When I got out I was kind of dazed. The captain told me to go back to the rear. I started back through the communication-trench and got lost. The next thing I knew I was wandering around in the darkness shakin' like a leaf."

You may git the 'abit of walkin' on your 'ands an' shakin' your legs in the hair if you was to persevere long enough, but that would only prove you a fool fit for a circus or a lunatic asylum. You never see the hanimals smokin'. They knows better. Just fancy! what would you think if you saw the cab 'osses all a-settin' on their tails in the rank smokin' pipes an' cigars!

"Wal, arter meetin' they all come 'round the parson and Huldy at the door, shakin' hands and laugh-in'; for by that time they was about agreed that they'd got to let putty well alone. "'Why, Parson Carryl, says Mis' Deakin Blod-gett, 'how you've come it over us. "'Yes, says the parson, with a kind o' twinkle in his eye.

Suppose, now, you'd been tipped off that if you dug under a certain bush in a certain back yard you'd find well, something worth luggin' away? Ah, never mind shakin' your head! This is only supposin'. And we'll say the neighbors were wise; they'd watched you go out with your spade and lantern. And after you'd near broke your back diggin' you found you'd been buffaloed. Are you followin' me?"

She went home to Whinnie Knowe in great distress. "It wes waesome tae see the auld man githerin' his bit things wi' a shakin' hand, and speakin' tae me aboot the weather, and a' the time his eyes were sayin', 'Flora, Flora." "Whar div ye think the young hizzie is, Marget?"

What a hero they made of that waiter! "'By the livin' Moses! bubbles old Gabe, shakin' both the boy's hands. 'That was the finest run and tackle and the finest kick I ever saw anywhere. I've seen every big game for ten years, and I never saw anything half so good. "The Pinkerton man laughed. 'There's only one chap on earth who can kick like that.

"How big is this house? You don't use it all, do you?" "Use it all! Well, I should say not. I feel like a pea in a tin can shakin' around loose. Young man, there's twelve empty bedrooms in this place and I don't know how many other rooms that's goin' to waste." "There you are! Why not fill them up? Of what use are they lying empty?"