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Most of the manuscripts were done with characteristic newspaper office haste, and gave indication somewhere in the text that the author had not the faintest notion of how far in advance of the date line the magazine had to make up its table of contents. Many of these novices showed a promise in skill that might give some uneasy moments to our most prosperous magazine headliners.

I wanna he'p her with her quick changes like I useter." "You he'p her! Say, how would that look in all them swell places she's goin' to? W'y, she'll have a maid!" "Like the headliners, Bert?" "Sure!" "A coon, Bert?" "Sure! Like a li'l musical com'dy star." "Honest?" "Honest!" "But, Bert, w'y can't I go, too?" "Aw, now, say w'y w'y, you're too big!" "What-ta y' mean, Bert?"

I'll bet if you could ask them whether they'd rather sleep in a cave on your farm or be headliners in vaudeville, they'd tell you they were 'devoted to their art." "Why!" exclaimed Kelly, "they're so far from nature that if they didn't have that colored boy to comb and brush them twice a day they'd be ashamed to look each other in the eyes."

With an all star cast and such headliners as were scheduled for Jane and her constituents on that particular night, it was not easy to anticipate the outcome. If the ghosts would only do their part and appear on time! Judith tried to beg off on her story of the great adventure, but the girls were insistent.

I speak of the acrobats, the animals, the single and double dancers who perform "down in one" more especially. The so called headliners have their plush parlours with the inevitable purple or rose lamp, and the very much worn property piano just barely in tune. Only the dressmaker and the interior decorator can do things for them, as we see in the case of Kitty Gordon.

"Why, it's all the rage. Nearly all the girls do from the headliners that are kept by the young Fifth Avenue millionaires down to nine out of ten of the girls of our set that you see in Broadway. No, I'm not lying. It's the truth. I don't do it at least, not yet. I may get round to it."

I'm not alluding to any of them in particular, but how are we to know that all these social headliners are on the level?" "If you mean our guests, Pat, I can assure you that they are all perfectly honest." Lady Jane looked out of the window, as she spoke, at a group of those under discussion. Certainly at the moment the sternest censor could have found nothing to cavil at in their movements.

Rainey introduced had already made themselves comparatively well-known. For the last six weeks as "headliners" at one of the vaudeville theatres, and as entertainers at private houses, under the firm name of "The Vances," they had been giving an exhibition of code and cipher signaling. They called it mind reading.

I knew you could sing, but you never before confessed to being a real song and dance artist." "We shall have all 'headliners in our show, as the billboard advertisements beautifully put it," commented Miriam. "I wish Eleanor were here, don't you, Grace? Then Anne could recite 'Enoch Arden."

The Son of an earl consented to Buttle for them. He refused them Butter with their Meals and kept them trembling most of the time, but they determined to do things Right, even if both died of Nervous Prostration. When they began making real Headway and were recognized in the Park by some of the Headliners, Claudine would chide Elam for his early Doubts and Fears.