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"My good friend," said the underwriter, advancing with outstretched hands to Rowland, who backed away, and taking Myra by the hand, moved toward the door. Mr. Meyer sprang ahead, locked it and removed the key, and faced them. "Oh, mine goot Gott," he shouted, relapsing in his excitement into the more pronounced dialect of his race; "vwhat I do to you, hey? Vwhy you go pack on me, hey?

"Vell, gentlemen, vwhat do you think of that?" asked Mr. Meyer, looking around. "A lie, from beginning to end," stormed Captain Bryce. Rowland rose to his feet, but was pressed back by the big man who had accompanied him who then faced Captain Bryce and said, quietly: "I saw a polar bear that this man killed in open fight.

In short, I, the one man who can prevent it, refuse to testify." "Vwhat-a-t?" Mr. Meyer grasped the back of a chair and, leaning over it, stared at Rowland. "You will not testify? Vwhat you mean?" "What I said; and I do not feel called upon to give you my reasons, Mr. Meyer."

Only ship not reported lately. Overdue two months. Was spoken same day fifty miles east of that iceberg." "Sure thing," said others. "Nothing said about it in the captain's statement looks queer." "Vell, vwhat of it," said Mr. Meyer, painfully and stupidly: "dere is a collision clause in der Titan's policy; I merely bay the money to der steamship company instead of to der Royal Age beeple."