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Nihil est furacius illo Non fuit Autolyci tam piccata manus. Martial. Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo? Horace. When I left the magistrate, I knew not whither my next step should tend.

It was easy to see by their dress and manner that they were two of those wandering students who formed about this time so enormous a multitude in every country in Europe. The one was long and thin, with melancholy features, while the other was fat and sleek, with a loud voice and the air of a man who is not to be gainsaid. "Come hither, good youth," he cried, "come hither! Vultus ingenui puer.

You are, to be sure, wonderfully free from that nationality: but so it happens, that you employ the only Scotch shoe-black in London. He imitated the manner of his old master with ludicrous exaggeration; repeating, with pauses and half-whistlings interjected, 'Os homini sublime dedit, caelumque tueri Jussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus';

The Church of England has been freely accused of too great complaisance to the powers that be, when those powers were oligarchic. Some of the clergy are now trying to repeat, rather than redress, this error, by an obsequious attitude to King Working-man. But the Church ought to be equally proof against the vultus instantis tyranni and the civium ardor prava iubentium.

Christianity freed European humanity from this shallow, crude identification of itself with the hollow, uncertain existence of every day, coelumque tueri Jussit, et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus. Christianity, accordingly, does not preach mere Justice, but the Love of Mankind, Compassion, Good Works, Forgiveness, Love of your Enemies, Patience, Humility, Resignation, Faith and Hope.

I used to apply to him in my mind the well-known ode of Horace, now forgotten by me, in which the words "nec vultus tyranni, etc.," come in. After having spent two sessions in Edinburgh, my father perceived, or he heard from my sisters, that I did not like the thought of being a physician, so he proposed that I should become a clergyman.

Usury is the certainest means of gain, though one of the worst; as that whereby a man doth eat his bread, in sudore vultus alieni; and besides, doth plough upon Sundays. But yet certain though it be, it hath flaws; for that the scriveners and brokers do value unsound men, to serve their own turn.

It is true that his love for freedom, like that of Virgil, was based on an idea, not a reality. But it none the less required a great soul to utter these stirring sentiments before the very face of Nero, the "vultus instantis tyranni" of which Horace had dreamed. On the fitness or unfitness of his theme for epic treatment no more need be added here than was said in the chapter on Virgil.

That the usurer breaketh the first law, that was made for mankind after the fall, which was, in sudore vultus tui comedes panem tuum; not, in sudore vultus alieni. That usurers should have orange-tawny bonnets, because they do judaize. That it is against nature for money to beget money; and the like.

Everything about them cries out; in terram prona! It is not to them, it is only to the nobler and more highly endowed natures men who really think and look about them in the world, and form exceptional specimens of humanity that the next lines are applicable; Os homini sublime dedit coelumque tueri Jussit et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus.