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Nihil est furacius illo Non fuit Autolyci tam piccata manus. Martial. Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo? Horace. When I left the magistrate, I knew not whither my next step should tend.

She returns home to find her lover Petulius being tempted by a 'syren, who is evidently a mermaid with looking-glass and comb and scaly tail, disporting herself by the shore the scene being laid, by the way, on the coast of Arcadia. Protea at once changes her disguise to the ghost of Ulysses, and is in time to warn her lover of his danger.

Erisichthon is put to all manner of shifts to satisfy the hunger with which he is ever consumed, and is at last forced to sell his daughter Protea to a merchant, in order to keep himself alive.

Nihil est furacius illo Non fuit Autolyci tam piccata manus. Martial. Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo? Horace. When I left the magistrate, I knew not whither my next step should tend.

Protea, it appears, was at one time the paramour of Neptune, who now in answer to her prayer comes to her aid in such a way that, when about to embark on the vessel of her purchaser, she justifies her name by changing into the likeness of an old fisherman. The deluded merchant, after seeking her awhile, is obliged to set sail and depart without his ware.