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Love, boldly; "I don't understand what monsieur means; my character is well known go and inquire it in London ask the Secretary of Foreign Affairs what is said of me inquire of my Ambassador demand of my " "Votre passeport, monsieur?" "It is at home. A gentleman does not carry his passport in his pocket when he goes to a ball!" "I will call and see it au revoir!

Vous tient d'un doux sommeil encor les yeux silléee. Ça, ça, que je les baise, et votre beau tetin, Cent fois, pour vous apprendre

In our little historical gallery we find this philanthropic anti-Malthusian at the head of an establishment of this kind, introducing a very meek, simple-looking bachelor to some distinguished ladies of his connoissance. "Let me present you, sir, to Madame de St. Ces dames brulent de l'envie de faire votre connoissance.

A moment later there was a rap at her door, and she had presence of mind enough to get in the further corner, and say in a sleepy voice, "Come in!" The conductor opened the door. "Votre billet, s'il vous plaît, madame." "Can't you speak English?" asked Jennie.

This looks like an apology for what I am sure needs none; it requires much more, that I seem to have established it as a rule to trouble you so often. James's, but when they are confined to this spot. I can have no reason for pestering you with them, but par un esprit de bavardise, ou pour me rappeler plus souvent a votre souvenir; ce que votre amitie a rendu pour moi tres inutile.

The other circumstance was the presence of a soldier in the vestibule who said: "Votre laisser-passer, monsieur, s'il vous platt!" If you had a laisser-passer, he was most polite; but if you lacked one, he would also have been most polite and so would the guard that took you in charge at the next station.

8 mars. Je vous remercie de votre sympathie, my dear Sir. J'y comptais. Vous etes un des anciens temoins de ma vie et de mon bonheur. Il a ete grand; mais le bonheur se paye. Je me soumets douloureusement mais sans murmure. La vie est ainsi faite. C'est pour mon gendre Cornelis de Witt que je ressens une pitie profonde.

There were buffaloes, lizards, Turks, leopards; any unreasonable beast but the right one. "Why, there used to be an ape about," said one. "If I stand here I saw him." So there used; but the mastiff had mangled the sprightly creature for stealing his supper; and so fulfilled the human precept, "Soyez de votre siecle!"

As he went out she heard him singing softly: "Soldats de la Légion, De la Légion Etrangère, N'ayant pas de Nation, La France est votre Mère." He did not see that the light in her marvelous eyes had grown very tender. Nor did she dream that he had made a mat of his glory for her to walk upon.

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, Mon frere Aumale vient de me communiquer votre aimable lettre, a laquelle je m'empresse de repondre.