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M. le Major," said the Q of the B-lg ns, archly, "vous n'aurez jamais votre brevet de Colonel." Her M y's joke will be better understood when I state that his Grace is the brother of a Minister. I am not at liberty to violate the sanctity of private life, by mentioning the names of the parties concerned in this little anecdote.

"No, no! Say not that. My dear daughter shall not be lost! Ah! Mon dieu!" "Daughter? Was one of 'em your daughter, grand-daddy?" exclaimed Sheldrake. "Think of that, Burke! His daughter drownded!" "Je suis fachè de votre malheur, père," said Palafox, in a tone of affected commiseration. Then turning to Sheldrake with a grin, "Better not devil the old man any more, Shel; he's gone crazy.

Then followed three closely-written pages of record of business transactions, all showing a balance to the good, all showing a profit nowhere under thirty per cent. Finally, the letter concluded: "Mamma's back is better. Louis and I went on Sunday to see a farm. A cow, a stable, an old peasantess saying her rosary, a daughter knitting all real, not waxwork. Votre fille tres devouee, LEAH."

But Ferrol was so entirely affable, and he drank so freely with everyone that came to say "A votre sante, M'sieu' le Baron," and kept such a steady head in spite of all those quantities of white wine, brandy and cider, that they were almost ready to carry him on their shoulders; though, with their racial prejudice, they would probably have repented of that indiscretion on the morrow.

He looked round as Madelon came in, and slowly drew himself back into the room, exhibiting a lean, yellow face, surrounded with dishevelled hair, and ornamented by black unkempt beard and moustache. "Monsieur votre père does not arrive apparently, Mademoiselle," he said. "I have not seen him come in, Monsieur," answered Madelon; "I thought he was perhaps here."

She thought of only two people there, Mr. Lindsay and her aunt; and the riding-master, as his opinions might affect theirs. "C'est très bien c'est très bien," he muttered; "c'est parfaitement, Monsieur, mademoiselle votre fille has had good lessons; voil

"Quel ennui d'ecrire quelquechose que l'on ne comprend pas!" Some of those behind laughed: a degree of confusion began to pervade the class; it was necessary to take prompt measures. "Donnez-moi votre cahier," said I to Eulalie in an abrupt tone; and bending over, I took it before she had time to give it.

I spent the days intervening between the separation from "votre camarade" and my somewhat supernatural departure for freedom in attempting to partially straighten myself. When finally I made my exit, the part of me popularly referred to as "mind" was still in a slightly bent if not twisted condition.

Missy vene donc a notre table on vous apportera votre the . . . And you," she said, having evidently forgotten his name, to an officer who was talking to Missy, "do come here. A cup of tea, Prince?" "I shall never, never agree with you. It's quite simple; she did not love," a woman's voice was heard saying. "But she loved tarts."

"Does your majesty promise me this little revenge in earnest?" "I promise it; give me your poem as soon as it is ready; it shall be published in 'Formey's Journal." "'Quel diable de Marc Antoine! Et quelle malice est le votre, Vous egratinez d'une main Lorsque vous caressez de l'autre." "Ah," said Frederick, "what a beautiful quatrain Monsieur Arouet has made."