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'Stratonice, a dignified setting of the pathetic old story of the prince who loves his father's betrothed, deserves to live if only for the sake of the noble air, 'Versez tous vos chagrins, a masterpiece of sublime tenderness as fine as anything in Gluck. 'Uthal, a work upon an Ossianic legend, has recently been revived with success in Germany.

Catching sight of Vos Engo, he hastened across the avenue and caught up to him. The Count was apparently deep in thought. "Good morning," said Truxton from behind. The other whirled quickly. He did not smile as he eyed the tall American. "I haven't had a chance to thank you for coming back for me last Saturday. Allow me to say that it was a very brave thing to do.

I consented, and when they left I wrote a note: "Si, se soir, quelcun tâche de forcer l'entrée de votre chambre, je vous implore de rester calme et sûre que je suis avec Vous et Vos soeurs

"Six kinds of paths! Vy I ton't vos " "And then at meals the cook serves only five kinds of dessert pie, fruit, iced cabbage, vinegar sherbit, and hot lardalumpabus. Of course I know you don't like pie and fruit and things like that, but you'll fall dead in love with the lardalumpabus," went on the fun-loving Rover. "Vot is dot lardapusalump ennahow?" queried Hans, scratching his head gravely.

Another in my place would have been at his 'excommunicabo vos'; but I am placible, and if ye order forth my palfreys, release my brethren, and restore my mails, tell down with all speed an hundred crowns to be expended in masses at the high altar of Jorvaulx Abbey, and make your vow to eat no venison until next Pentecost, it may be you shall hear little more of this mad frolic."

It was these boys who sang it, with fresh, clear voices, joining in a fine chorus, though not far away the soldiers of France were limping through the night from abandoned positions: Entendez-vous, dans les campagnes, Mugir ces feroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes! Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons!

It vas a dark night, the night I found 'im, vith vind and rain, and there vos me and 'im a-grappling on the edge of a vharf leastvays I vere a-holding onto 'is leg, d'ye see ah, and a mortal 'ard struggle it vere too, and in the end I didn't save 'im arter all." "What do you mean?"

In a comedy of this period the money-lender is told that the class to which he belongs is on a parallel with the -lenones- -Eodem hercle vos pono et paro; parissumi estis ibus. Hi saltem in occultis locis prostant: vos in foro ipso. Vos fenore, hi male suadendo et lustris lacerant homines. Rogitationes plurimas propter vos populus scivit, Quas vos rogatas rumpitis: aliquam reperitis rimam.

Vill der ball not pitch you to-morrow, Frankie? Vid you der box in, der game vos as good as skinched. Yah!" Ephraim Gallup had little to say, and his appetite seemed unusually poor. Teresa noticed this, and she began to worry about it. "You must be seek, Ephraim," she whispered. "You do not eat enough to keep the bird alive." "I'm allus that way jest before a baseball game," he declared.

In the meantime it is Sic vos non vobis but who cares a farthing? If Boney succeeds, we will give these affairs a blue eye, and I will wrestle stoutly with them, although "My banks they are covered with bees," or rather with wasps. A very tough day's work. April 12. Ha-a-lt as we used to say, my proof-sheets being still behind.