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Hamburger; "de nex' time you leetle vootshucks vant to chase dat oder vootshuck, you put a pag ofer dese hole. Den you shace him round among de rocks, and you will catch de tog ant de vootshuck into de same pag." "That's what we'll do," said Abe Selover. "But not to-day, boys. He was the finest woodchuck I ever saw, but we've missed him this time." By Lieutenant-Colonel W. Hill James

Hamburger, who was standing under an old butternut-tree and looking down at a round, hollow place in the ground. He was smoking very hard. "Hab you seen my dog?" asked Julius. "Hold shtill, poy! Joost you vait. Hi! Dere goes dose vootshuck!" "Dat's so. He's coming right up out ob de hole, and dar ain't no dog to foller him!" Away went the woodchuck, and Julius gave him up for lost; but Mr.

Nothing but some sods to pull away, to make that hole large enough, and then Abe Selover's curly head popped out, and the rest of him followed, grimy and dirty, but in a great fever of excitement and fun. After him climbed the other boys, one by one. "Mr. Hamburger, did you see where that woodchuck went to?" "De vootshuck? I don't know him.

Hamburger smoked harder than ever and looked down at the hole. "Hark! Hear dem? It is de tog. Pless mein eyes, if dey didn't chase dose vootshuck right oonder mein pasture-lot!" Julius could hear Quib bark now, away down there in the ground, and he could not stand still on any one side of that hollow. So he danced up and down on every side of it.