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Maybe ve lif togedder till you git vooman, or I git vooman if American vooman marry Norwegian man. I stay?" I took his hand and pressed it. After a few days' studying over it, I made up my mind that in the kindness of his heart he had come back just to comfort me. And all that he had said we would do, we did.

"Never!" she cried. "You have sufficiently persecuted me ere this. I bid you go. Begone!" "Vooman, you mad meh!" cried Peruchini, rushing forward, his hands first extended with palms upward, then clenched, his hair properly tumbled, his eyes correctly rolling. "I vill not be teniet! Your puty, it is too much! Vooman, vooman, ah, have you no harret? Py Heaven, I "

"I came to inquire about a young woman that I believe is staying here." "No vooman here but me," declared the other, shaking her head vigorously. "What? Haven't you a friend here named Olga?" "Olga bane gone," declared the woman sullenly. "Gone away? exclaimed Mr. Day. "Since last evening?" "She bane gone." "Are you Mrs. Johnson?" asked the man, earnestly. "My name bane Yonson yes," she agreed.

At last we reached the top and rested awhile. Mike showed us his revolver. "He good revolver," he said. "De las' man I shoot he killin' a vooman. I come. He run away. I tell 'im to stop, but he no stop, so I shoot 'im leg. 'E try to 'it me wi' a gon." The man got fourteen years.