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If a geologist were to find in latitude 39 degrees on the coast of Portugal a bed containing numerous shells belonging to three species of Oliva, to a Voluta, and Terebra, he would probably assert that the climate at the period of their existence must have been tropical; but, judging from South America, such an inference might be erroneous.

Voluta nodosa, Sowerby. Phorus extensus, Sowerby. Nautilus centralis, Sowerby. Aturia ziczac, Bronn. Syn. Nautilus ziczac, Sowerby. London clay. Belosepia sepioidea, De Blainv. London clay. Leda amygdaloides, Sowerby. London clay. Astropecten crispatus, E. Forbes. The marine shells of the London Clay confirm the inference derivable from the plants and reptiles in favour of a high temperature.

That such a structure is not deceptive or due to any subsequent concretionary rearrangement of particles, or to mere bands of colour produced by the iron, is proved by each bed being made up of flat pieces of shell which lie parallel to the planes of the smaller strata. Voluta Lamberti, Sowerby. Variety characteristic of Suffolk Crag.

Here, too, was the Orange Cowry; here the Bishop's Mitre, and the precious Voluta Aulica; while yonder, what was this man, that he should have a Voluta Junonia, of which only a few specimens are possessed in the known world? What did it all mean? The Skipper sat beside the table, quiet and self-contained as usual.

I will recapitulate the principal facts with regard to the climate, ice-action, and organic productions of the southern hemisphere, transposing the places in imagination to Europe, with which we are so much better acquainted. Then, near Lisbon, the commonest sea-shells, namely, three species of Oliva, a Voluta, and a Terebra, would have a tropical character.

These three lower beds are covered by an unconformable mantle D of stratified sandy earth, including many pebbles of quartz, pumice and phonolite, land and sea-shells. M. d'Orbigny has been so obliging as to name for me the twenty species of Mollusca embedded in the two gravel beds: they consist of: Volutella angulata, d'Orbigny, "Voyage" Mollusq. and Pal. 2. Voluta Braziliana, Sol 3.

Recapitulation. I will recapitulate the principal facts with regard to the climate, ice-action, and organic productions of the southern hemisphere, transposing the places in imagination to Europe, with which we are so much better acquainted. Then, near Lisbon, the commonest sea-shells, namely, three species of Oliva, a Voluta, and a Terebra, would have a tropical character.

No exhortation was needed to make Rachel hurry to the drawing-room, and tear open the black-edged letter with the Australian stamp. "All is right, mamma. She has been very ill, but is fast recovering, and was to sail by the Voluta. Why, she may be here any day." "Any day! My dear Grace, see that the nurseries are well aired."

"My name is Scraper, thank ye, not Scrape!" he said, dryly; "and as for the boy, I don't know exactly where you come in there." The Skipper nodded. "True!" he said, tracing with his finger the fine lines of the Voluta Aulica; "you do not know where I come in there. In us both, knowledge has a limit, Mr. Scraper; yet I at the least am acquaint with your name.

Voluta triplicata, G.B. Sowerby. 5. Oliva dimidiata, G.B. Sowerby. 6. Pleurotoma discors, G.B. Sowerby. 7. Pleurotoma turbinelloides, G.B. Sowerby. 8. Fusus subreflexus, G.B. Sowerby. 9. Fusus pyruliformis, G.B. Sowerby. 10. Turritella suturalis, G.B. Sowerby. 12. Trochus laevis, G.B. Sowerby. 14. Cassis monilifer, G.B. Sowerby. 16. Pyrula distans, G.B. Sowerby. 17.