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In a virulent article in the "Voix du Peuple," he had inquired if it were the intention of the authorities to beguile the public much longer with the story of that bomb and that Anarchist whom the police did not arrest.

Gretchen remains in simple amaze that such a fine gentleman as Faust should find anything to admire in her, even after she has received and returned his first kiss; but Marguerite is exalted, transfigured by the new feelings surging within her. Il m'aime! quel trouble en mon coeur! L'oiseau chante! Le vent murmure! Toutes les voix de la nature Semblent me repeter en choeur: Il t'aime!

"That was not what you said when you first proposed to me that we should come out here and fraternize with our relatives. You said that it was the prompting of natural affection; and when I suggested some reasons against it you declared that the voix du sang should go before everything." "You remember all that?" asked the Baroness. "Vividly! I was greatly moved by it."

Sir James, not without a sly smile, discharged arrow-like at the retreating enemy, took the seat she had vacated. "This is your first visit to Tallyn, Miss Mallory?" The voice speaking was the voix d'or familiar to Englishmen in many a famous case, capable of any note, any inflection, to which sarcasm or wrath, shrewdness or pathos, might desire to tune it.

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, N'ayant pas eu le plaisir de vous rencontrer depuis mon retour d'Espagne, j'ai passe samedi chez vous pour vous parler d'une affaire que j'aurais prefere traiter de vive voix. Ne vous ayant pas trouve, il me faut aujourd'hui avoir recours a la plume, car le temps presse.

Sous un habit de mezzetin Ce gros brun au riant visage Sur la guitarre avec sa main Fait un aimable badinage. Par les doux accords de sa voix Enfants d'une bouche vermeille Du beau sexe tant

Harold paused a moment and then said: 'I hear from our solicitors that you have drawn five thousand pounds out of first-class mortgages. Now, this is a large sum of money. How do you intend to re-invest it? I don't see how you could get better interest than you have been getting unless you accept doubtful security. I hope that neither this paper La Voix du Peuple or Panama has tempted you.

And he goes on in the same style in the 'Voix du Peuple, which he himself made a success at the time of the Panama affair by dint of denunciation and scandal, and which to-day is like a sewer-pipe pouring forth all the filth of the times. And whenever the stream slackens, why, he invents things just to satisfy his craving for that hubbub on which both his pride and his pocket subsist."

This seems like rather puritanical treatment. If there are false lines in Byron, there are quite as many weak lines in Shelley. If sincerity were to give out a pure flame, Byron would stand that test equal to any. His real fault is to be found in his somewhat glaring diction, like the voix blanc in singing, and in an occasional stroke of persiflage.

A fresh edition of the "Voix du Peuple" gave rise, in particular, to a deafening clamour, which rose above all the rumbling of wheels. At regular intervals hoarse voices raised and repeated the cry: "Ask for the 'Voix du Peuple' the new scandal of the African Railway Lines, the repulse of the ministry, the thirty-two bribe-takers of the Chamber and the Senate!"