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Champfleury smoked his short pipe and discussed with me the prospects of French politics. His father was, he told me, an old Bonapartist of the first water, but had been moved to exclaim, a short time before, after reading the papers day after day, 'Pourtant, avant de mourir je voudrais voir autre chose. We parted very affectionately at the door of the embassy.

I was at that moment not at all disposed to make new acquaintances; and, after a slight bow, I was about to turn my back upon the old gentleman, when he took my hand, and drew me gently towards the ladies' cabin. "Allons voir, Monsieur Howard." "Mais que voulez-vous donc? What do you want with me?" said I somewhat peevishly to the importunate stranger.

"I said, 'Sire, they think you have no chance at all." The Emperor said that the English Government had made a great mistake in sending the Duke of Wellington to Paris "On n'aime pas voir un homme par qui on a été battu;" and on War he made this characteristic comment: "Eh bien, c'est un grand jeu belle occupation."

But deep and intense Lord! Mark my words, she saw him at the Embassy. If she did and the thing's mutual she'll give poor old Maria such a shock that the war will look like ten cents." "Possibly." "You look really ill, Gora. No wonder you have headaches with that hair. It's magnificent but! Go to bed and I'll send up your dinner. Got any aspirin?" "Yes, thanks." "Au 'voir."

Je recois chez moi Mercredi prochaing; lonnure de vous voir Madamasel Miles ma fille;" and, Mira, now reinforcing her mamma, poured in a glib little oration in French, somewhat to the astonishment of the Colonel, who began to think, however, that perhaps French was the language of the polite world, into which he was now making his very first entree. Mrs. Mr.

Ce qui me fait croire que c'etait l'un ou l'autre, c'est que je me souviens que le grand bief n'etait pas acheve lorsqu'il arriva au camp pour la premiere fois, mais de toutes facons il etait l'homme le plus friand de paris qui se put voir, pariant sur tout ce qui se presentaat, quand il pouvait trouver un adversaire, et, quand n'en trouvait pas il passait du cote oppose.

"J'arrivait a Haworth en parfaite sauvete sans le moindre accident ou malheur. Mes petites soeurs couraient hors de la maison pour me rencontrer aussitot que la voiture se fit voir, et elles m'embrassaient avec autant d'empressement et de plaisir comme si j'avais ete absente pour plus d'an.

The trail of their muslin gowns and the light cloud of their veils made dazzling spots of brightness in the delicate frame of the June landscape. Each of these white-clad figures was followed by a long train of friends and relatives. "C'est joli a voir it's a pretty sight, hein, my ladies? these young girls are beautiful like that!"

In no very pleasant mood I walked across the cabin, without even looking at the persons assembled there, and leaned out of the open window. I had been some three or four minutes in this position, chewing the cud of unpleasant reflections, when a friendly voice spoke close to my ear "Qu'est ce qu'il y a donc, Monsieur Howard? Etes-vous indisposé? Allons voir du monde." I turned round.

"Tais-toi, petite sainte!" cried another voice more piercing and silvery in tone. "Je veux voir qui est la! C'est un homme je sais bien parceque la vieille Mere Laura a rougi!" and both young voices broke into a chorus of renewed laughter.