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"Ach! dey vill not do!" ejaculated Master Herman, spreading out his fat fingers and beringed thumbs. "Then belike we must de jewels try. It is a young lady, de shild? Gut! den look you here. I have it. Look you here!" And from an iron chest, locked with several keys, Master Herman produced something wrapped carefully in white satin, and took off the cover as if he were handling a baby.

Ze man stared at me, and ze voman—I vill not say ladysays to him zo zat I can hear, ‘Zat awful German!’ Ze man says, ‘Zo it is,’ and laughed. ‘I haf ze pleasure of meeting you last night at ze Lady Tollyvoddle,’ I said. ‘I remember,’ he said; ‘but I haf no vish to meet you again.’ I take out my card to gif him, but he only said, ‘Go avay, or I vill call ze police!’ ‘Ze police!

"There are plenty of boats to be had. Besides, I can send over my own boat for you to the mainland. The distance is not great." "Goot. Zat vill do. I am happay now." "So," remarked Nigel as he went off with Moses to pack up, "his 'paradise regained' is rather speedily to be changed into paradise forsaken! 'Off wi' the old love and on wi' the new. 'The expulsive power of a new affection!"

Weller, accosting his son on the morning after the funeral, 'I've found it, Sammy. I thought it wos there. 'Thought wot wos there? inquired Sam. 'Your mother-in-law's vill, Sammy, replied Mr. Weller. 'In wirtue o' vich, them arrangements is to be made as I told you on, last night, respectin' the funs. 'Wot, didn't she tell you were it wos? inquired Sam. 'Not a bit on it, Sammy, replied Mr.

"Vill you marry von qveer Megsican Eendian, Señorita?" I laugh at the funny conclusion and the Peruvian's excited face. "Monsieur," I say, "I'm told that nearly every man says 'I love you' to an average of eighteen women in a lifetime; he perhaps really cares at various times for three, and the rest do well to let the mistake pass unchallenged and soon forgotten.

Who knows but it might have been this stranger, himself, who had robbed her of her savings? "No, no; I vill stay here. The vorst is over yet already. Dey haf me robbed of my moneys. I no more haf. Dey vill not come bag."

Ven you hang, she and I vill all hang together; now you comprehend?" "Yes," replied Vanslyperken, "I do now: but how could you trust such people?" "Trust such people, Mr Vanslyperken! If you prove as true as those people, vy all de bitter; now go avay go to bed you have vaked up all the peoples here. Good night, Mr Leeftenant," and the Jew led the way to the door, and let Vanslyperken out.

She don't know she never will believe she can die, and I don't want her to know. I'll have time enough to cry after she's gone." "I feel I must stay vith yer to-night," warm-hearted Mrs. Wheaton began; "and if Miss Jocelyn vill look hafter my children I vill." "No, Mrs. Wheaton," said Mildred decidedly, "I'm going to stay. You ought to be with your children.

"'Tis I haf been running alreadty. Sat iss not so tiresome as to valk. Also it is safeh. I runned all se vay. Vill you sose drops drop faw me?" Her hand trembled. I took the vial but did not meet her glance: for I was wondering if there was anything in the world she could ask of me that I would not do, and at such a time it is good for anyone as weak as I am to look at inanimate things.

T'e same soul vill look out of your eyes. You vill be perfect, but of your type. T'e same eyes, more bright; t'e same hair, more lustrous and abundant; t'e same complexion clear and pure; t'e same voman as she might have been if t'e race had gone on defeloping a hundred t'ousand years. Look you. Some admire blondes; some brunettes. You are not a Svede to be white, an Italian to be black.