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Still laughing a little ruefully, he suffered himself to be taken downstairs by kind little Miss Dunbarton, who had stood without a word waiting there with absent face. 'That nice boy's in love with you, said Lady John, sotto voce. Vida looked at her without answering. 'Good-bye. They shook hands. 'I wish you hadn't been so unkind to that nice boy. 'Do you?

Freddy leaned against the blue-grey sofa for a moment and half closed her pretty eyes. The next instant she was running gaily across the room to welcome Richard Farnborough and Captain Beeching. 'I always know, said Lord Borrodaile, glancing over the banisters as he and Vida went down 'I always know the kind of party it's going to be when I see certain people. Don't you?

Brown! whispered the strange lady, drawing off as the rowdy young men came surging round that side. There was another rush and a yell, and Vida fled. When next she turned to look, it was to see two women making a sudden dash for liberty. They had escaped through the rowdy ranks, and they tore across the street, running for their lives and calling for help as they ran.

'Those two policemen, she went on, in a whisper, 'why are they looking at us like that? Vida glanced at the men. Their eyes were certainly fixed on the two ladies in a curious, direct fashion, not exactly impudent, but still in a way no policeman had ever looked at either of them before.

'It's rather like a jest that promised very well at the beginning, only the teller has forgotten the point. Or else, Vida added, looking at the face of one of the women up there 'or else the mistake was in thinking it a jest at all! She turned away impatiently and devoted her attention to such scraps of comment as she could overhear in the crowd or such, rather, as she could understand.

'Now, see here, men; fair play, you know. 'I think I ought Vida began. 'No wonder she can't find a word to say for 'em. They're a disgryce, miss them women behind you. It's the w'y they goes on as mykes the Govermint keep ye from gettin' yer rights. The chairman had lost his temper. 'It's the way you go on, he screamed; but the din was now so great, not even he could be heard.

Si la política es una noble ocupación de la vida, ciencia y arte de hacer la felicidad de los pueblos, justo es que la mujer contribuya con cuanto quiera y con cuanto pueda a lograr esa felicidad.

Westlake had pronounced Carol a "very sweet, bright, cultured young woman," and Brad Bemis, the tinsmith at Clark's Hardware Store, had declared that she was "easy to work for and awful easy to look at." But Carol could not yet take her in. She resented this outsider's knowledge of her shame. Vida was not too long tolerant. She hinted, "You're a great brooder, child. Buck up now.

The play at this point is that the mother has to plead with the cop not to drag her boy off to a prison cell, and she has to do it with streaming eyes. It was darned interesting. The boy is standing with bowed head and the cop is looking sympathetic but firm, and mother is putting something into her eyes out of a medicine dropper. I whisper to Vida and she says it's glycerine for the tears.

These convictions she presented to Vida Sherwin Vida Wutherspoon beside a radiator, over a bowl of not very good walnuts and pecans from Uncle Whittier's grocery, on an evening when both Kennicott and Raymie had gone out of town with the other officers of the Ancient and Affiliated Order of Spartans, to inaugurate a new chapter at Wakamin. Vida had come to the house for the night.