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When you see the handicaps that have beset both Catholic and Protestant missionaries you are filled with a new appreciation of their calling. The most important stop of this trip was at Coquilhatville, named in honor of Captain Coquilhat, one of the most courageous of the early Belgian soldier-explorers. Here dwells the Vice-Governor of the Equatorial Province.

With the kindly bonhomie which distinguishes the Russian educated classes, they all volunteered to give me every assistance in their power, but some of them, on mature reflection, evidently saw reason to check their first generous impulse. Among these was the Vice-Governor, a gentleman of German origin, and therefore more inclined to be pedantic than a genuine Russian.

Lawson, an Englishman, and vice-governor of the colony, told us that he had seen several so large that it required six or eight men to lift them from the ground; and that some had afforded as much as two hundred pounds of meat. The old males are the largest, the females rarely growing to so great a size: the male can readily be distinguished from the female by the greater length of its tail.

The worthy captain had no more precise ideas of what a vice-governor means than the American people just now seem to possess of the signification of vice-president; but, as he had discovered that the word was pronounced "veechy" in Italian, he was quite willing to give it its true sound; albeit a smile struggled round the mouth of Griffin while he listened.

Then I returned to our former theme, and asked the Vice-Governor if he really thought that my nomination had put my party to very great expense. "Think so?" he exclaimed, "of course, I think so! Why, my dear friend, you are a new man, and considered almost as a foreigner and a scholar, not a patriotic politician!

Because you have compelled our friend, the Vice-Governor here, to take all the money on the premises, that is, all the contents of the reeds and pipe-stems, of which you blabbed, into his own custody, whereas you might have kept your own counsel, and culled the money out at your leisure, without anybody having an idea of its existence." "Yes; but that would not be honest.

"I've just heard," said Voronok, "that a nine-year-old boy is kept in confinement by the police." "The young rebel!" said the Vice-Governor savagely. "Yes, and I've also heard," said Poterin, "that a thirteen-year-old boy has been arrested. Such a little beggar, and already in revolt." The Vice-Governor said morosely: "He's going with his grandfather to Siberia."

They'll find a position for you of the most gentlemanly, delicate sort; your clerks will work, but you'll be their chief, over all of them. And promotions will come to you of themselves. LEONÍD. Perhaps they will make me vice-governor, or elect me marshal of the nobility. POTÁPYCH. It's not improbable. LEONÍD. Well, and when I'm vice-governor, shall you be afraid of me?

After my experience with the Vice-Governor of Novgorod I determined to place myself above suspicion, and accordingly applied to the "Chef des Gendarmes" for some kind of official document which would prove to all officials with whom I might come in contact that I had no illicit designs.

Johnson's command went as far as the house of the vice-governor, Veramendi, and here sought shelter from the Mexicans, who swarmed down upon them in great numbers. "Dan, take care of yourself," cried Lieutenant Radbury, who with his son had joined Colonel Milam's division. "Don't run any risks if you can help it." "I'll stick close to you, father," answered Dan.