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Thomson as "elegant vases or cups, with branching root-like bases, or groups of regularly or irregularly spreading tubes delicately fretted on the surface with an impressed network like the finest lace"; and he adds, "When we compare such recent forms as Aphrocallistes, Iphiteon, Holtenia, and Askonema, with certain series of the chalk Ventriculites, there cannot be the slightest doubt that they belong to the same family in some cases to very nearly allied genera."

At the distance of half a mile, the vertical piles of pot-stones were much farther apart from each other. Dr. Buckland has described very similar phenomena as characterising the white chalk on the north coast of Antrim, in Ireland. Ventriculites radiatus, Mantell. Syn. Ocellaria radiata. D'Orbigny.

He suggests that the Ventriculites of the chalk were nearly allied to these sponges, and that when the silica of their spicules was removed, and was dissolved out of the calcareous matrix, it set into flint. The occurrence here and there, in the white chalk of the south of England, of isolated pebbles of quartz and green schist has justly excited much wonder.

Imbedded in the chalky mud of the deep sea, in many localities, are innumerable cup- shaped sponges, provided with six-rayed silicious spicula, so disposed that the wall of the cup is formed of a lacework of flinty thread. Not less abundant, in some parts of the chalk formation, are the fossils known as Ventriculites, well described by Dr.